GAME ON: July 2006
OK, after reflecting on the most recent Tunica trip, I have decided it was just about great. Well, it is every time, but aside from making a major score it appears I have found my home. Home away from home that is. I have finally made the connection at Sam's Town that has been generously extended on no less than 3 other occasions. Being the guarded type when it comes to deep relationships, I have accepted the benefits of Sammy, without reciprocating on an emotional level, but this time was different. It just didn't feel right pulling in and throwing SAM the figurative high hard one for a few days and driving away after ravaging Sam for the pleasure without another thought. I found myself thinking of Sam, guilt crept in when I spent time with Goldy and the Shoe. Even the glamour of Holly didn't couldn't sway my thoughts of Sammy. And, upon my return, I felt comfortable, welcomed, HOME. I can now say that my lust has changed in a significant way--dare I use the dreaded L word. But it is true, there is a depth that is apparent as the nose on my face. Thanks SAM, I miss you, and will see you soon.
OK, now for the recap sports fan. "You are as cute as a freckled pup in a peppermint patch"--and I don't care who you are, now that is funny. Since Super Mundus has already banged out the pantyhose line, no need to duplicate--but the drunkest guy in Tunica toreD (roy d. mercer reference here) me up, and blue satin dallas cowboy sweatpants were not involved. I want to give my boy Mundus Kudos for his mental strength in not allowing himself to enjoy Roy D. to the fullest. Now what exactly does this say about a fella? Not sure, but I got a real kick out of watching contain laughter on principle (his own misguided principle, but hey, he's got rights). Mega props to Nater the Dominator on a hefty tournament win (no mention of the ridiculous chop here); oh and almost forgot, super props to staying away from the all damaging $1 Wheel. And, I might add, if we counted up the losses of our groups $1 wheel, I betcha it is way over a $1000. Listen boys, that son of a bitch is the devil, forsake it now, and allow the dice table to become your new vice.
Chevy, well what can you say, Eeyore just takes the cake--well done sir, well done (even if you are a terrible card player). And, the poker dealers, well, let me just give ya'll a big thumbs up. Lupe' was terrific, and I think probably always is, and he does have a way with people. Tough man made a good showing, but I believe we may have reinforced that -ev games are not to be engaged--I look for his next trip to really be of the coffee variety. And, Dan, well, if you are trying to impress somebody, count this guy in! 37 hours? REally, I mean I witnessed some of it but still, 37 hours--impressive indeed.
Shout out to action player, and a pat on the ole back for me, because I had a moderate loss and great time, just the way I like it. Until we meet again, Sammy I miss you!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
Tough Man Strikes Back!!!!
Yes indeed, our toughman (tgtt, red fish) has not taken my public criticism lying down. He has once again risen from the depths of a kelp creature to show us his skill set. Here is an email I just received.
This, my friend, is how us "red fish" roll!
----- Forwarded Message ----From: tom taylorTo: mttsmt@sbcglobal.netSent: Monday, November 20, 2006 3:31:35 AMSubject: Fwd: Results for PokerStars Tournament 36184914Note: forwarded message attached.
Sponsored LinkMortgage rates as low as 4.625% - $150,000 loan for $579 a month. Intro-*Terms
PokerStars Tournament #36184914, No Limit Hold'emSuper SatelliteBuy-In: $12.00/$1.0064 playersTotal Prize Pool: $768.00 Target Tournament #36154288 Buy-In: $530.001 tickets to the target tournamentTournament started - 2006/11/19 - 22:40:00 (ET)Dear tgtt, You finished the tournament in 1st place.You qualified to play in Tournament #36154288 and are automatically registered for it. See Tournament #36154288 Lobby for further details.If you choose to unregister from this tournament your account will be creditedwith $530.00 Tournament dollars. Tournament dollars can be used to buy into any tournament.Visit our web site at for more details.Congratulations!Thank you for participating.
Just as I thought, my comments have propelled tough man back to glory. Now, does he have the gills, I mean balls to play in the big tourney, or has the ticket already been sold. This is the true question?
Yes indeed, our toughman (tgtt, red fish) has not taken my public criticism lying down. He has once again risen from the depths of a kelp creature to show us his skill set. Here is an email I just received.
This, my friend, is how us "red fish" roll!
----- Forwarded Message ----From: tom taylor
Sponsored LinkMortgage rates as low as 4.625% - $150,000 loan for $579 a month. Intro-*Terms
PokerStars Tournament #36184914, No Limit Hold'emSuper SatelliteBuy-In: $12.00/$1.0064 playersTotal Prize Pool: $768.00 Target Tournament #36154288 Buy-In: $530.001 tickets to the target tournamentTournament started - 2006/11/19 - 22:40:00 (ET)Dear tgtt, You finished the tournament in 1st place.You qualified to play in Tournament #36154288 and are automatically registered for it. See Tournament #36154288 Lobby for further details.If you choose to unregister from this tournament your account will be creditedwith $530.00 Tournament dollars. Tournament dollars can be used to buy into any tournament.Visit our web site at for more details.Congratulations!Thank you for participating.
Just as I thought, my comments have propelled tough man back to glory. Now, does he have the gills, I mean balls to play in the big tourney, or has the ticket already been sold. This is the true question?
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Sorry Tough Man--The Chum Is UP

OK, we all know our boy TT is a good card player, but in an attmept to help him reach the next level I think a certain amount of public criticism may be just the ticket. So here is my attempt at helping him propel to the next level.
I found this juicy (rhymes with sushi, and that is a fish isn't it?) piece of info. just swimming (I kill myself) around the internet to be caught by anyone who might have a line in the water.
The Unscrew--Sorry Joker STARS
OK, I am delighted to write about one of my best online poker experiences. Did I take down a large MTT score? NOPE. Actually, it was a fold. And, yes you are well aware of my love affair with the fold, but this was no run of the mill fold, it was.....let us say.....divine in nature. Let me set the scene. I am playing $25 NL, as I often do while playing a SNG. I have researched the table on poker-edge and begin playing. I basically fold for an orbit and find myself in 1st position to find AK sooted (hearts). I go to click the mouse for a raise and whammo, it falls to the floor. I begin frantically reaching for the mouse, but then I look up and EL FOLDO. Dammit, fast table, and my first playable hand is history. So, I say to myself is that the sh**, and I insta respond to myself, oh well, probably just saved a bunch of money. Oh how prophetic!! The hand continues to see a raise and a reraise push all in! OK, you're thinking, big whoop, if you can't fold AK to that action then you suck, but what you don't know is that these two ass jacks were donkalicious, and while I probably would have still folded, this may not have been the optimum play. I am generally irritated by ass clowns who push their stack with AK, I just think it is not smart "cash game" poker, but anywho, there were many things going through my mind with this particular AK situation. Now, onto the beautiful ending to this story. The initial raiser insta calls and what to my amazement do I see: That's right sports fans AA and KK!!! I have just avoided a collossal colon crushing at the hands of jokerstars. I can just see Lee Jones and the entire staff watching the monitor at mission control and their resulting dismay that I haven't just dumped my entire stack to their set-up protocol. I mean when they get bored finger waving me with the RNG they resort to this underhanded trick. Well, I say this, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA, sorry about your luck Joker Stars, I was not your victim yesterday you bunch of ass hats. And, while I am sure to get 1 and 2 outtered for weeks for this public display of happiness, I really don't give a damn because yesterday, your victim slipped away. I hope you all have hunger pains today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, Tunica is only a short time away and the Moose Poker Tournament is coming upon us quickly. Sure to be another fun trip considering Tough Man TT will be cut loose in another state with umlimited alcohol. Can't wait to see him playing roulette.
OK, I am delighted to write about one of my best online poker experiences. Did I take down a large MTT score? NOPE. Actually, it was a fold. And, yes you are well aware of my love affair with the fold, but this was no run of the mill fold, it was.....let us say.....divine in nature. Let me set the scene. I am playing $25 NL, as I often do while playing a SNG. I have researched the table on poker-edge and begin playing. I basically fold for an orbit and find myself in 1st position to find AK sooted (hearts). I go to click the mouse for a raise and whammo, it falls to the floor. I begin frantically reaching for the mouse, but then I look up and EL FOLDO. Dammit, fast table, and my first playable hand is history. So, I say to myself is that the sh**, and I insta respond to myself, oh well, probably just saved a bunch of money. Oh how prophetic!! The hand continues to see a raise and a reraise push all in! OK, you're thinking, big whoop, if you can't fold AK to that action then you suck, but what you don't know is that these two ass jacks were donkalicious, and while I probably would have still folded, this may not have been the optimum play. I am generally irritated by ass clowns who push their stack with AK, I just think it is not smart "cash game" poker, but anywho, there were many things going through my mind with this particular AK situation. Now, onto the beautiful ending to this story. The initial raiser insta calls and what to my amazement do I see: That's right sports fans AA and KK!!! I have just avoided a collossal colon crushing at the hands of jokerstars. I can just see Lee Jones and the entire staff watching the monitor at mission control and their resulting dismay that I haven't just dumped my entire stack to their set-up protocol. I mean when they get bored finger waving me with the RNG they resort to this underhanded trick. Well, I say this, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA, sorry about your luck Joker Stars, I was not your victim yesterday you bunch of ass hats. And, while I am sure to get 1 and 2 outtered for weeks for this public display of happiness, I really don't give a damn because yesterday, your victim slipped away. I hope you all have hunger pains today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, Tunica is only a short time away and the Moose Poker Tournament is coming upon us quickly. Sure to be another fun trip considering Tough Man TT will be cut loose in another state with umlimited alcohol. Can't wait to see him playing roulette.
The Unscrew--Sorry Joker STARS
OK, I am delighted to write about one of my best online poker experiences. Did I take down a large MTT score? NOPE. Actually, it was a fold. And, yes you are well aware of my love affair with the fold, but this was no run of the mill fold, it was.....let us say.....divine in nature. Let me set the scene. I am playing $25 NL, as I often do while playing a SNG. I have researched the table on poker-edge and begin playing. I basically fold for an orbit and find myself in 1st position to find AK sooted (hearts). I go to click the mouse for a raise and whammo, it falls to the floor. I begin frantically reaching for the mouse, but then I look up and EL FOLDO. Dammit, fast table, and my first playable hand is history. So, I say to myself is that the sh**, and I insta respond to myself, oh well, probably just saved a bunch of money. Oh how prophetic!! The hand continues to see a raise and a reraise push all in! OK, you're thinking, big whoop, if you can't fold AK to that action then you suck, but what you don't know is that these two ass jacks were donkalicious, and while I probably would have still folded, this may not have been the optimum play. I am generally irritated by ass clowns who push their stack with AK, I just think it is not smart "cash game" poker, but anywho, there were many things going through my mind with this particular AK situation. Now, onto the beautiful ending to this story. The initial raiser insta calls and what to my amazement do I see: That's right sports fans AA and KK!!! I have just avoided a collossal colon crushing at the hands of jokerstars. I can just see Lee Jones and the entire staff watching the monitor at mission control and their resulting dismay that I haven't just dumped my entire stack to their set-up protocol. I mean when they get bored finger waving me with the RNG they resort to this underhanded trick. Well, I say this, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA, sorry about your luck Joker Stars, I was not your victim yesterday you bunch of ass hats. And, while I am sure to get 1 and 2 outtered for weeks for this public display of happiness, I really don't give a damn because yesterday, your victim slipped away. I hope you all have hunger pains today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, Tunica is only a short time away and the Moose Poker Tournament is coming upon us quickly. Sure to be another fun trip considering Tough Man TT will be cut loose in another state with umlimited alcohol. Can't wait to see him playing roulette.
OK, I am delighted to write about one of my best online poker experiences. Did I take down a large MTT score? NOPE. Actually, it was a fold. And, yes you are well aware of my love affair with the fold, but this was no run of the mill fold, it was.....let us say.....divine in nature. Let me set the scene. I am playing $25 NL, as I often do while playing a SNG. I have researched the table on poker-edge and begin playing. I basically fold for an orbit and find myself in 1st position to find AK sooted (hearts). I go to click the mouse for a raise and whammo, it falls to the floor. I begin frantically reaching for the mouse, but then I look up and EL FOLDO. Dammit, fast table, and my first playable hand is history. So, I say to myself is that the sh**, and I insta respond to myself, oh well, probably just saved a bunch of money. Oh how prophetic!! The hand continues to see a raise and a reraise push all in! OK, you're thinking, big whoop, if you can't fold AK to that action then you suck, but what you don't know is that these two ass jacks were donkalicious, and while I probably would have still folded, this may not have been the optimum play. I am generally irritated by ass clowns who push their stack with AK, I just think it is not smart "cash game" poker, but anywho, there were many things going through my mind with this particular AK situation. Now, onto the beautiful ending to this story. The initial raiser insta calls and what to my amazement do I see: That's right sports fans AA and KK!!! I have just avoided a collossal colon crushing at the hands of jokerstars. I can just see Lee Jones and the entire staff watching the monitor at mission control and their resulting dismay that I haven't just dumped my entire stack to their set-up protocol. I mean when they get bored finger waving me with the RNG they resort to this underhanded trick. Well, I say this, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA, sorry about your luck Joker Stars, I was not your victim yesterday you bunch of ass hats. And, while I am sure to get 1 and 2 outtered for weeks for this public display of happiness, I really don't give a damn because yesterday, your victim slipped away. I hope you all have hunger pains today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, Tunica is only a short time away and the Moose Poker Tournament is coming upon us quickly. Sure to be another fun trip considering Tough Man TT will be cut loose in another state with umlimited alcohol. Can't wait to see him playing roulette.
Monday, October 02, 2006
The WORM has turned!
OK, I am suddenly a better internet player now. How you might ask, after the continued whining and belly aching that has come from striking these keys? WEll this is how, variance. It turns out that I am possibly the best low limit player in the game and that I have just been catching the royal jelly treatment. That's right, I have no leaks in my game, and any previous thoughts about discipline is now banished from my thoughts. I need to move up in limits, and after I squash the rather weak players I now face, the bankroll will grow, with my ego, and I will become a force. A few things I have noticed--if I could play just 1 table SNG's then I would be the king of the world. And, here is why, they don't take much time, they don't take tremendous focus, you can stack someone ridiculously easy, and I am just better than they are. I cashed in the $3 2500 runner NL Hold'em last night on Stars--yep 2 hours of my time and I earned almost $3 profit. Oh yeah, my AJ got hammered by A5 to put me out but am I pissed, nope, because I no longer get tilted--I am fairly treated by the universally accepted laws of probability and I am not a statistical anomalie. OH, made an Aztar run and played some $5/$10 limit and did OK, won $138 but played fo rlike 8 hours, since we got kicked out of the casino at 5:00 AM, since when do Casinos close. OK, didn't really win any money because my penalty from the Mrs. was to take my winnings. You know the saying, Women are the F***ing rake. What saying? Anyway. Aztar is now running a 1/2 NL game (max buy $300) on Thursday nights, and probably will run it other days of the week as well. That is a good sign, should have had that game long ago. OH, Tunica is approaching what its like 9 weeks now!!! YOOOHOOOO. Yeah, a little pumped that Christmas comes early this year.
Oh yeah, everything I said earlier about my low limit game on the internet, blah blah blah, I didnt' mean any of it, and that RNG, well the next time you see IT let IT know I think IT is a cheatin bastard.
Have a good one, and don't forget to get your GAME ON!
OK, I am suddenly a better internet player now. How you might ask, after the continued whining and belly aching that has come from striking these keys? WEll this is how, variance. It turns out that I am possibly the best low limit player in the game and that I have just been catching the royal jelly treatment. That's right, I have no leaks in my game, and any previous thoughts about discipline is now banished from my thoughts. I need to move up in limits, and after I squash the rather weak players I now face, the bankroll will grow, with my ego, and I will become a force. A few things I have noticed--if I could play just 1 table SNG's then I would be the king of the world. And, here is why, they don't take much time, they don't take tremendous focus, you can stack someone ridiculously easy, and I am just better than they are. I cashed in the $3 2500 runner NL Hold'em last night on Stars--yep 2 hours of my time and I earned almost $3 profit. Oh yeah, my AJ got hammered by A5 to put me out but am I pissed, nope, because I no longer get tilted--I am fairly treated by the universally accepted laws of probability and I am not a statistical anomalie. OH, made an Aztar run and played some $5/$10 limit and did OK, won $138 but played fo rlike 8 hours, since we got kicked out of the casino at 5:00 AM, since when do Casinos close. OK, didn't really win any money because my penalty from the Mrs. was to take my winnings. You know the saying, Women are the F***ing rake. What saying? Anyway. Aztar is now running a 1/2 NL game (max buy $300) on Thursday nights, and probably will run it other days of the week as well. That is a good sign, should have had that game long ago. OH, Tunica is approaching what its like 9 weeks now!!! YOOOHOOOO. Yeah, a little pumped that Christmas comes early this year.
Oh yeah, everything I said earlier about my low limit game on the internet, blah blah blah, I didnt' mean any of it, and that RNG, well the next time you see IT let IT know I think IT is a cheatin bastard.
Have a good one, and don't forget to get your GAME ON!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
It Continues
Ok, I sit down for some internet poker yesterday evening. I am playing 25 NL with a decent group. I push to almost being up a buy in and do the following. I limp in first position with KK, hoping for a raise, because I really don't like a standard raise from first position with the possibility of several callers. I get the raise from someone who had just posted (first hand) in mp. I reraise approx 3X and they instantly go all in for a full buy in. I call without much hesitation and of course he show AA. OK, I accept. Then I lose my actual buy in when I again try to outplay someone who has top pair and thinks it is gold, and presto, I drop a buy in. Almost simultaneously I am playing a 25 NL shorthanded (both on river stars of course) and have q4 sooted in the small blind, I complete in an unraised pot and see a flop of qq8. I bet get a smooth call from bb and everyone else folds. The turn, yep my money card, the 4, I have filled up, and now I desperately want the bb to have a q. Well they did, but it was q8 and they had flopped a boat. OK, bye bye buy in. I then am just generally frustrated and fire up party poker. I make about 8 bucks quickly and fire up a SNG, but yours truly get in a limit SNG, which I hate, and get Aces and Kings crunched as is my normal plight. But do I let all of that stop me NOPE. I immediately take a hit of the crack pipe (figuratively speaking) and open up the black jack table--a very old friend who made me leave party poker over 18 months ago. Yep dump another 12 bucks and accept defeat for what it is. Yes, this is how I ROLL.
Ok, I sit down for some internet poker yesterday evening. I am playing 25 NL with a decent group. I push to almost being up a buy in and do the following. I limp in first position with KK, hoping for a raise, because I really don't like a standard raise from first position with the possibility of several callers. I get the raise from someone who had just posted (first hand) in mp. I reraise approx 3X and they instantly go all in for a full buy in. I call without much hesitation and of course he show AA. OK, I accept. Then I lose my actual buy in when I again try to outplay someone who has top pair and thinks it is gold, and presto, I drop a buy in. Almost simultaneously I am playing a 25 NL shorthanded (both on river stars of course) and have q4 sooted in the small blind, I complete in an unraised pot and see a flop of qq8. I bet get a smooth call from bb and everyone else folds. The turn, yep my money card, the 4, I have filled up, and now I desperately want the bb to have a q. Well they did, but it was q8 and they had flopped a boat. OK, bye bye buy in. I then am just generally frustrated and fire up party poker. I make about 8 bucks quickly and fire up a SNG, but yours truly get in a limit SNG, which I hate, and get Aces and Kings crunched as is my normal plight. But do I let all of that stop me NOPE. I immediately take a hit of the crack pipe (figuratively speaking) and open up the black jack table--a very old friend who made me leave party poker over 18 months ago. Yep dump another 12 bucks and accept defeat for what it is. Yes, this is how I ROLL.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I am still here
OK, apologies for the length delay between posts. I have been on quite a roller coaster and got tired of writing the same things. Poor play, bad beats, good session, blah blah blah. OK, all the things I committed to doing in my game, well I haven't done any of them for any extended period of time. I get bored way too easily on line. The lack of pesonal interaction is stifling, and every second I am on the computer almost feels as time lost. Kids, wife, chores etc. My best results are smaller SNG's, time frame is right, and the low levels I lurk have some fairly poor players. I have made a conscious effort not to donk off chips, but I do sometimes, almost for the hell of it, wow I am internally weak. I am so much a better live game player, as long as I don't over think. Got some 5/10 limit hold'em in at Aztar on Sunday, and had a good time. Lost 87 bucks, but that was probably the rake. First actual losing live session in a long time.
I am now beginning shut down/bankroll growth mode for my Tunica trip in December. Which is no small feat considering that Disney is only 9 days away. But, the up side is that I was able to pay for disney off my entertainment gambling/poker playing over the last year. $3000-not shabby. One of the other main hurdles is that I usually get an infusion of cash around Christmas, and our trip is usually just after Christmas. OK, whatever your thinking, tough shit, yeah I still get some cash as a Christmas present, and I don't feel in any way that minimizes my manhood.
I see alot of folks (bloggers) talking about variance and such during their bad runs, but isn't the biggest issue really the bad decisions that come as a result of getting a crappy run. Tilting off chips, pushing weak hands, playing weak hands, etc. The mental/emotional aspect of the game is definitely huge.
And, to my Tunica boys, just around the corner, and I can't wait to hook my boy Super Mundus up with the goods, that were so well earned. Also wishing the following: Convict does not touch his secret Tunica roll, Nate accepts the disillusionment of the WHEEL and forever vows to never play it again, Mundo doesn't play q4 and get pissed when someone catches a card, Andy get his schedule worked out, Lupe' and Dan stay away from the slots the first night, and well I don't know. Until next time, have a good one, and I will try to have a better one!
OK, apologies for the length delay between posts. I have been on quite a roller coaster and got tired of writing the same things. Poor play, bad beats, good session, blah blah blah. OK, all the things I committed to doing in my game, well I haven't done any of them for any extended period of time. I get bored way too easily on line. The lack of pesonal interaction is stifling, and every second I am on the computer almost feels as time lost. Kids, wife, chores etc. My best results are smaller SNG's, time frame is right, and the low levels I lurk have some fairly poor players. I have made a conscious effort not to donk off chips, but I do sometimes, almost for the hell of it, wow I am internally weak. I am so much a better live game player, as long as I don't over think. Got some 5/10 limit hold'em in at Aztar on Sunday, and had a good time. Lost 87 bucks, but that was probably the rake. First actual losing live session in a long time.
I am now beginning shut down/bankroll growth mode for my Tunica trip in December. Which is no small feat considering that Disney is only 9 days away. But, the up side is that I was able to pay for disney off my entertainment gambling/poker playing over the last year. $3000-not shabby. One of the other main hurdles is that I usually get an infusion of cash around Christmas, and our trip is usually just after Christmas. OK, whatever your thinking, tough shit, yeah I still get some cash as a Christmas present, and I don't feel in any way that minimizes my manhood.
I see alot of folks (bloggers) talking about variance and such during their bad runs, but isn't the biggest issue really the bad decisions that come as a result of getting a crappy run. Tilting off chips, pushing weak hands, playing weak hands, etc. The mental/emotional aspect of the game is definitely huge.
And, to my Tunica boys, just around the corner, and I can't wait to hook my boy Super Mundus up with the goods, that were so well earned. Also wishing the following: Convict does not touch his secret Tunica roll, Nate accepts the disillusionment of the WHEEL and forever vows to never play it again, Mundo doesn't play q4 and get pissed when someone catches a card, Andy get his schedule worked out, Lupe' and Dan stay away from the slots the first night, and well I don't know. Until next time, have a good one, and I will try to have a better one!
Friday, August 18, 2006
Do you ever feel like that someone is just too transparent? Well, this has been my impression of the recent blogging lately. I see a war of words that almost instinctively result from an individuals inability to accept honesty. Take Walmart for a second, you know where you stand at all times, so pull a drama queen downer when you get exactly what you have always gotten. Damn! Get a clue! And, if sirfwalgman backs down one inch on any of his recent posts I will discard his blog from regular reading. I appreciate a salty, straightforward, edgy, offensive writer.
NOw to the less blog worthy poker front. I am still pretty bad. I have even reopened my account on party to stop the hemorraghing. The fact is that if there is not structure in place to make me play straight then I will not. I watch myself doing the dumbest things, and making the dumbest basic moves--it is like having an out of body experience with no ability to communicate with the idiot on the other side clicking the mouse. Oh well, I guessI will continue to flush money to enterain myself I suppose. Or I will someday get serious and develop. The latter is looking pretty bad right now.
Do you ever feel like that someone is just too transparent? Well, this has been my impression of the recent blogging lately. I see a war of words that almost instinctively result from an individuals inability to accept honesty. Take Walmart for a second, you know where you stand at all times, so pull a drama queen downer when you get exactly what you have always gotten. Damn! Get a clue! And, if sirfwalgman backs down one inch on any of his recent posts I will discard his blog from regular reading. I appreciate a salty, straightforward, edgy, offensive writer.
NOw to the less blog worthy poker front. I am still pretty bad. I have even reopened my account on party to stop the hemorraghing. The fact is that if there is not structure in place to make me play straight then I will not. I watch myself doing the dumbest things, and making the dumbest basic moves--it is like having an out of body experience with no ability to communicate with the idiot on the other side clicking the mouse. Oh well, I guessI will continue to flush money to enterain myself I suppose. Or I will someday get serious and develop. The latter is looking pretty bad right now.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Poor Internet Play--My Downfall
I am becoming more and more frustrated with my game and the internet game in general. Yep, you're right, things have not gone well. Maybe I should blame it on Stars, since I am down $180 there since moving from party. Although the analysis does not make sense, there are just as bad players both places, and I think I have gotten a little better--wait, I have it. You can not fight stupidity with logic! In developing a learning style, many of the overplayed hands and wrong moves were profitable in the past against the very bad players, and now that I am less likely to push with mediocre holding like tptk or small two pair, etc. then my winnings are significantly reduced. I think it really shouldn't work this way. The draw outs are one thing, but I really am peeved about the loss rate of dominating hands. If I am up against a three outter then I am beat; fact! I also find myself trying to be much more creative than the game really allows; I mean the bottom line is that everyone starts with two cards. I don't like the impersonal/aggressive environment of internet poker, even though the earning potential should be better with a lower rake. Will I quit playing, NO, but do I now think that internet poker could be a supplemental income stream, NO. Earning takes time and effort, and is methodical in many ways, three categories where I am woefully lacking. I have trouble not engaging the game as entertainment, but then furious at the same time for the drunken computer cowboy shredding my KK with 93 off. I think I am now for the internet gaming bill, in so much as I think that regulation will allow for tighter controls on RNG software and other factors that continue to stick in my mind as potential profit making edges for the company. Yes, even if it increases the rake!! Yes, even if it ends up running off the fish, don't forget Lee Jones is feeding them with your raked money by throwing those two outters at them. Just kiddin Lee. Well, enough of the serious and thoughtful, now to a more lighthearted subject like TUNICA is just around the corner. Tunica is like the Las Vegas of the South (accessible to us Midwesterners via a 5 hour drive) and allows for the generally risk aversive to change personalities, sometimes best described as Action Players. Let me reference it in a different way, remember when the straight laced girl in school got drunk, naked and then trained! Well leave out the train, and the naked, and throw in some dice, some Tangaray and maybe a 3-6 limit game. Also add a dose of Vanilla, Big Jim, a lady from Intercouse PA, Jimmy Connors (Ahkbar), The Tortoise, and a few others then there is the recipe for success, OH David will have to be dealing. And, since so many people read my blog, does anyone know how I can get ahold of Trucker Clock by Joel Lindley? I don't want to buy the Greatest Hits on Bob and Tom, which is the only place I can find it. Oh, and I have a smallish (that is a huge lie) surprise for my boy Super Mundus for the Tunica trip. Oh I do Love surprises. I know that he thinks I love to embarrass him, which I do, so I just hope that he can muster the courage to shove it in my face by proudly ____________ my gift as a gesture of deep respect for the way I handle my rig!
I am becoming more and more frustrated with my game and the internet game in general. Yep, you're right, things have not gone well. Maybe I should blame it on Stars, since I am down $180 there since moving from party. Although the analysis does not make sense, there are just as bad players both places, and I think I have gotten a little better--wait, I have it. You can not fight stupidity with logic! In developing a learning style, many of the overplayed hands and wrong moves were profitable in the past against the very bad players, and now that I am less likely to push with mediocre holding like tptk or small two pair, etc. then my winnings are significantly reduced. I think it really shouldn't work this way. The draw outs are one thing, but I really am peeved about the loss rate of dominating hands. If I am up against a three outter then I am beat; fact! I also find myself trying to be much more creative than the game really allows; I mean the bottom line is that everyone starts with two cards. I don't like the impersonal/aggressive environment of internet poker, even though the earning potential should be better with a lower rake. Will I quit playing, NO, but do I now think that internet poker could be a supplemental income stream, NO. Earning takes time and effort, and is methodical in many ways, three categories where I am woefully lacking. I have trouble not engaging the game as entertainment, but then furious at the same time for the drunken computer cowboy shredding my KK with 93 off. I think I am now for the internet gaming bill, in so much as I think that regulation will allow for tighter controls on RNG software and other factors that continue to stick in my mind as potential profit making edges for the company. Yes, even if it increases the rake!! Yes, even if it ends up running off the fish, don't forget Lee Jones is feeding them with your raked money by throwing those two outters at them. Just kiddin Lee. Well, enough of the serious and thoughtful, now to a more lighthearted subject like TUNICA is just around the corner. Tunica is like the Las Vegas of the South (accessible to us Midwesterners via a 5 hour drive) and allows for the generally risk aversive to change personalities, sometimes best described as Action Players. Let me reference it in a different way, remember when the straight laced girl in school got drunk, naked and then trained! Well leave out the train, and the naked, and throw in some dice, some Tangaray and maybe a 3-6 limit game. Also add a dose of Vanilla, Big Jim, a lady from Intercouse PA, Jimmy Connors (Ahkbar), The Tortoise, and a few others then there is the recipe for success, OH David will have to be dealing. And, since so many people read my blog, does anyone know how I can get ahold of Trucker Clock by Joel Lindley? I don't want to buy the Greatest Hits on Bob and Tom, which is the only place I can find it. Oh, and I have a smallish (that is a huge lie) surprise for my boy Super Mundus for the Tunica trip. Oh I do Love surprises. I know that he thinks I love to embarrass him, which I do, so I just hope that he can muster the courage to shove it in my face by proudly ____________ my gift as a gesture of deep respect for the way I handle my rig!
Monday, August 07, 2006
Treading Water
Ok, I continue to be frustrated by the lack of positive gains from my game. After careful evaluation I have come to the following conclusion. I play way to many hands online, and need to structure my time better when playing. The little 20-30 minutes sessions I jump in and out of are killing me and producing an action player style that is "Mundo-like". The problem is that it does not seem difficult to get it back, so playing poorly is not that big of a financial consequence. New Resolution: play the game correctly or don't play at all. I think a jump in limits may be the appropriate move to sustain focus. OH, and yes the deck is finished!!
Ok, I continue to be frustrated by the lack of positive gains from my game. After careful evaluation I have come to the following conclusion. I play way to many hands online, and need to structure my time better when playing. The little 20-30 minutes sessions I jump in and out of are killing me and producing an action player style that is "Mundo-like". The problem is that it does not seem difficult to get it back, so playing poorly is not that big of a financial consequence. New Resolution: play the game correctly or don't play at all. I think a jump in limits may be the appropriate move to sustain focus. OH, and yes the deck is finished!!
Friday, August 04, 2006
Mundus Strikes Again
OK, could it be possible that one of my card pals has actually entered the blogosphere only to quash my limited but proud authoring of this blog. Super Mundus has again updated his site with none less than a graphics coup that serves (IMO) to minimize the body of work I have been toiling to present. WEll, he updated his address so here is the link if you want to check out his updated blog (solely intended for the purposes of hey Frodaddy, your Game may be On, but I got the juice) . All for now.
OK, could it be possible that one of my card pals has actually entered the blogosphere only to quash my limited but proud authoring of this blog. Super Mundus has again updated his site with none less than a graphics coup that serves (IMO) to minimize the body of work I have been toiling to present. WEll, he updated his address so here is the link if you want to check out his updated blog (solely intended for the purposes of hey Frodaddy, your Game may be On, but I got the juice) . All for now.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
The blogger effect
OK, as you have been reading, the last few weeks have been a tough pill to swallow. Last night things began to turn around. I find myself playing a few SNGs. Make some bucks there, then I find the blogger cash game, and yes, my game was tighter than a mo fo. Although I have a theory. There were actually a few players that would lay down hands, and a player could actually earn. Well, I am not talking about soft players, but more thoughtful chaps with an obvious leaning toward the love of my life: THE FOLD. Yes it is a thing of Beauty and should be regarded as the classiest play in poker. I also stayed away from TPSK, Waffles is on that like stickum. Luckily I got to bust a guy (yep he played tpsk) with slb at the table which provided the appropriate segue for Walmart to coach steve a little (belly laughing out loud at this point after reading their war of words regarding support or lack there of the past few days). OH, just a tid bit of advice, the $5 wheel of fortune at Aztar last night was a no good whore. My slot Game was OFF.
OK, as you have been reading, the last few weeks have been a tough pill to swallow. Last night things began to turn around. I find myself playing a few SNGs. Make some bucks there, then I find the blogger cash game, and yes, my game was tighter than a mo fo. Although I have a theory. There were actually a few players that would lay down hands, and a player could actually earn. Well, I am not talking about soft players, but more thoughtful chaps with an obvious leaning toward the love of my life: THE FOLD. Yes it is a thing of Beauty and should be regarded as the classiest play in poker. I also stayed away from TPSK, Waffles is on that like stickum. Luckily I got to bust a guy (yep he played tpsk) with slb at the table which provided the appropriate segue for Walmart to coach steve a little (belly laughing out loud at this point after reading their war of words regarding support or lack there of the past few days). OH, just a tid bit of advice, the $5 wheel of fortune at Aztar last night was a no good whore. My slot Game was OFF.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
The Daddy Effect has taken root
July 20th
Yes, my loyal readership it is true. I have spawned my very first blogger. This is not a trivial happening, as I believe you will find this blog to be much better written, factually accurate, and inherently purposeful. And if you are a "Trucker Clock" fan, well, it may be a euphoric experience. Here is the link: If I knew what I was doing then I would actually link it on my page.
Yes, my loyal readership it is true. I have spawned my very first blogger. This is not a trivial happening, as I believe you will find this blog to be much better written, factually accurate, and inherently purposeful. And if you are a "Trucker Clock" fan, well, it may be a euphoric experience. Here is the link: If I knew what I was doing then I would actually link it on my page.
What about Bob
July 20th
OK, here is the deal. I am a very sucky online player. I have accepted it for what it is. I mean losing session upon losing session. I am persistent however. I believe that I will blame all of my bad fortune on terrible players, RNG, and impatience. I am not a folding machine on the internet, and therefore often find myself trying to be way too creative. Do not bluff a calling station, even semibluff, they are not going anywhere. Do you ever have the feeling that Lee Jones is out to get ya???? Well, here is a synopsis from yesterday. NoWayBob (screen name) and I got involved in a hand that falls down like this. I flop two pair, he had top pair best kicker. Get counterfeited on the river and then Bob types in the following: TY. Well I go ballistic, I mean I am seething mad, and just get totally invested in telling this jerkwad how far behind he was and peeled the sucker for a live one. Yeah, he had a premium hand and I was not in good shape pre-flop, but he had no idea what was going on. And then the rest of the table comes to his aid because I am being so harsh. In hindsight I can see the part where me calling him a hillbilly sister F***in Kentuckian could have been a touch personally offensive, but what do I care at that point. I go on to have another $13 losing day on the internet, which is becoming a perpetually common experience. How am I not broke yet? Well, I'll let you in on a little secret; there are people playing that are actually worse than I am. Only a few I admit. I know this post is weak and fruitless, and it was much better the first time I wrote it (cuss word for blogger eating my first copy). Oh, by the way, I am tired of hearing people say you want him to chase, you want stupid players at the tables, because if you have more than a couple, then one of the dunces are gonna get ya, and its not like you can "earn" a pot with all the retard stations. I guess you can wait for the nuts, but who has the time for that. Maybe it is time to move up in limits, get hammer slammed for more money, and then think up a new reason why I have been unfairly treated, of course as a way of justifying my rather poor play. OH, by the way, I am that guy at the table who will flat verbally gut you, and really not know what the hell is going on, so if you are unfortunate enough to receive a tongue lashing, let me go ahead and apologize in advance. And, you can thank me for why NoWayBob, MyBabyLakita, and Controdori (?) have money in their accounts to draw out on you. Yep, I keep the fish fed, it is my job. Now everyone together, TRUCKER CLOCK--who wants some? The game is not on, but I got respect for the way you handle your rig!!!
OK, here is the deal. I am a very sucky online player. I have accepted it for what it is. I mean losing session upon losing session. I am persistent however. I believe that I will blame all of my bad fortune on terrible players, RNG, and impatience. I am not a folding machine on the internet, and therefore often find myself trying to be way too creative. Do not bluff a calling station, even semibluff, they are not going anywhere. Do you ever have the feeling that Lee Jones is out to get ya???? Well, here is a synopsis from yesterday. NoWayBob (screen name) and I got involved in a hand that falls down like this. I flop two pair, he had top pair best kicker. Get counterfeited on the river and then Bob types in the following: TY. Well I go ballistic, I mean I am seething mad, and just get totally invested in telling this jerkwad how far behind he was and peeled the sucker for a live one. Yeah, he had a premium hand and I was not in good shape pre-flop, but he had no idea what was going on. And then the rest of the table comes to his aid because I am being so harsh. In hindsight I can see the part where me calling him a hillbilly sister F***in Kentuckian could have been a touch personally offensive, but what do I care at that point. I go on to have another $13 losing day on the internet, which is becoming a perpetually common experience. How am I not broke yet? Well, I'll let you in on a little secret; there are people playing that are actually worse than I am. Only a few I admit. I know this post is weak and fruitless, and it was much better the first time I wrote it (cuss word for blogger eating my first copy). Oh, by the way, I am tired of hearing people say you want him to chase, you want stupid players at the tables, because if you have more than a couple, then one of the dunces are gonna get ya, and its not like you can "earn" a pot with all the retard stations. I guess you can wait for the nuts, but who has the time for that. Maybe it is time to move up in limits, get hammer slammed for more money, and then think up a new reason why I have been unfairly treated, of course as a way of justifying my rather poor play. OH, by the way, I am that guy at the table who will flat verbally gut you, and really not know what the hell is going on, so if you are unfortunate enough to receive a tongue lashing, let me go ahead and apologize in advance. And, you can thank me for why NoWayBob, MyBabyLakita, and Controdori (?) have money in their accounts to draw out on you. Yep, I keep the fish fed, it is my job. Now everyone together, TRUCKER CLOCK--who wants some? The game is not on, but I got respect for the way you handle your rig!!!
What About Bob
July 20th
Another losing internet session, will the suffering ever end? Continuing to really struggle with draw outs and stupidity, although that is what we want right? I am so F***ing tired of hearing that bs response from my card pals. This is what I now think. The 25 NL has so many retards that if one doesn't get ya, another one will. Couple that with the fact that I am my alter ego online (non-folding machine) and you have a prescription for madness and chip extraction. Oh yeah, I am that guy. I am the guy who rashly condemns the stupid play of others while handing my chips away like I am the sample man at Chic-Fil-A. Well lets be fair with me, here is exactly what happens yesterday. Playing 25 NL and up about 12 bucks. I make top pair best kicker and short stack (playing very poorly I might add) pushes and I insta-call. He has top pair, weak kicker and catches two pair on the river--OK, no biggie. Nothing said, I like the guy's poor play and will pick him off in due course. Then, NOWAYBOB and I get tangled up in a pot. Well, BOB played AK, a good hand no doubt, I had limped in in front of him with k5 suited(OK, make all your crappy comments here about my hand selection) unintentionally by misclicking (now your feeling pretty bad about those comments you made about my hand selection aren't you?), so I decide to call the raise to out play BOB. Of course at this time I do not know he has AK for all of you who are a bit slow on the uptake. But anyhow, I flop two pair (have you heard my ramblings about sticking two pair up my ass, and that two pair are the devil; I digress) and Bob has flopped top pair, top kicker. Bob, has let me take over betting, and has no idea how far behind he is in this hand, and why would he with my super sneaky k5 suited play. Long story short, the board pairs Queens on the river I get counterfeited and Bob types the following into the chat without knowing what I had. "TY". I was pissed and unleashed my verbal arsenal. The other jerk offs at the table think I am being rash, and finally I help the numb skulled idiots understand that I have completed anger management and that BoB had incited the entire incident by being dumber than a bag of hammers, and he was from Louisville KY which made him a hillbilly sister F***in Kentuckian to boot. So, that is pretty much how my session went, dropped another $13 to possibly the weakest group of players in the history of online poker. Oops, I guess that means I am even weaker-well this is what I have to say to that. You can not keep me beat down forever, I will overcome the mindless, senseless ignorance that I battle online. I am a stud, and I am not as terrible as they are, which makes me better and means I should beat them, eventually, possibly. Well, I was trying to get all fired up in a self celebratory motivational type of thing, but just lost my conviction. Next time you see my online just say thanks, I am the one keeping the fish from going broke on Poker Stars. My online game-is not exactly ON. FRodaddy10-Philanthropist
Another losing internet session, will the suffering ever end? Continuing to really struggle with draw outs and stupidity, although that is what we want right? I am so F***ing tired of hearing that bs response from my card pals. This is what I now think. The 25 NL has so many retards that if one doesn't get ya, another one will. Couple that with the fact that I am my alter ego online (non-folding machine) and you have a prescription for madness and chip extraction. Oh yeah, I am that guy. I am the guy who rashly condemns the stupid play of others while handing my chips away like I am the sample man at Chic-Fil-A. Well lets be fair with me, here is exactly what happens yesterday. Playing 25 NL and up about 12 bucks. I make top pair best kicker and short stack (playing very poorly I might add) pushes and I insta-call. He has top pair, weak kicker and catches two pair on the river--OK, no biggie. Nothing said, I like the guy's poor play and will pick him off in due course. Then, NOWAYBOB and I get tangled up in a pot. Well, BOB played AK, a good hand no doubt, I had limped in in front of him with k5 suited(OK, make all your crappy comments here about my hand selection) unintentionally by misclicking (now your feeling pretty bad about those comments you made about my hand selection aren't you?), so I decide to call the raise to out play BOB. Of course at this time I do not know he has AK for all of you who are a bit slow on the uptake. But anyhow, I flop two pair (have you heard my ramblings about sticking two pair up my ass, and that two pair are the devil; I digress) and Bob has flopped top pair, top kicker. Bob, has let me take over betting, and has no idea how far behind he is in this hand, and why would he with my super sneaky k5 suited play. Long story short, the board pairs Queens on the river I get counterfeited and Bob types the following into the chat without knowing what I had. "TY". I was pissed and unleashed my verbal arsenal. The other jerk offs at the table think I am being rash, and finally I help the numb skulled idiots understand that I have completed anger management and that BoB had incited the entire incident by being dumber than a bag of hammers, and he was from Louisville KY which made him a hillbilly sister F***in Kentuckian to boot. So, that is pretty much how my session went, dropped another $13 to possibly the weakest group of players in the history of online poker. Oops, I guess that means I am even weaker-well this is what I have to say to that. You can not keep me beat down forever, I will overcome the mindless, senseless ignorance that I battle online. I am a stud, and I am not as terrible as they are, which makes me better and means I should beat them, eventually, possibly. Well, I was trying to get all fired up in a self celebratory motivational type of thing, but just lost my conviction. Next time you see my online just say thanks, I am the one keeping the fish from going broke on Poker Stars. My online game-is not exactly ON. FRodaddy10-Philanthropist
Saturday, July 29, 2006
July 20th
July 20th
OK, my live game is still tight, not all is lost. Went to Caesars in New Albany, which has a fabulous poker room (I recongnize it is no Foxwoods). So I sit down at the 1/2 NL Table, where the min. buy is $100 and max is $300. I sit with $220, no particular reason. There is only about $2500 at the table so people had left with some profit clearly before I arrived. That's OK, I am here to do battle, well not really. I see roughly 9% of the flops last night (7 hour session), because chip monster, beast, calling station, draw out machine (going to Iraq in two weeks, won the bad beat two weeks ago, and drunk) is seated right to my left. He began to standard open raise every pot to $30, so it made the play pretty easy. There were 3 pretty good players at the table, and they were really getting frustrated by this guy playing chip bully. Within two hours he had over a Grand in front of him and had busted several people on sick draw outs. This player was the kind of guy who had pulled his pants down and said get out the measuring stick boys!!! So, he goes on this roller coaster ride of having a ton of chips, giving them away, having a ton of chips, giving them away, etc. Well, I finally get to play the nuts in an unraised pot against him, and he pays me off, yeah he had the sucker end, then I made my flush to boot. So I take $350 off the game, by folding cards, and pushing around one of my buddies who I met at the Casino. Only dump $20 on a video slot, and manage to overcome my demons by staying away from the roulette table. OK, been to Caesars 4X and the results are great. UP $1300 to this point, but only playing during "tourist time" (FRIDAY/SATURDAY). I have such a better feel and comfort level in a live game, then on the internet. Because playing live, I am a FOLDING machine. I love the fold. I pat my own back for folding. OK, I LOVE THE FOLD. Oh, by the way, folded top pair 4 x and two pair1X last night. I am so easy to push around it is ridiculous. But, I do play the nuts, which I believe is a good EV play, so it works. OK, by the time I leave the table there is about $6000 at the table. I have got like $600 in front of me and there are 5 people that can stack me--to hell with that, I earned and leave. Roll in at 4 AM, let my wife know that the Disney trip is just about paid off because the US is at war. By the way, I thanked the dude for doing the dangerous shit that I want to have no part of. Dad had his GAME ON last night--9% of the time.
OK, my live game is still tight, not all is lost. Went to Caesars in New Albany, which has a fabulous poker room (I recongnize it is no Foxwoods). So I sit down at the 1/2 NL Table, where the min. buy is $100 and max is $300. I sit with $220, no particular reason. There is only about $2500 at the table so people had left with some profit clearly before I arrived. That's OK, I am here to do battle, well not really. I see roughly 9% of the flops last night (7 hour session), because chip monster, beast, calling station, draw out machine (going to Iraq in two weeks, won the bad beat two weeks ago, and drunk) is seated right to my left. He began to standard open raise every pot to $30, so it made the play pretty easy. There were 3 pretty good players at the table, and they were really getting frustrated by this guy playing chip bully. Within two hours he had over a Grand in front of him and had busted several people on sick draw outs. This player was the kind of guy who had pulled his pants down and said get out the measuring stick boys!!! So, he goes on this roller coaster ride of having a ton of chips, giving them away, having a ton of chips, giving them away, etc. Well, I finally get to play the nuts in an unraised pot against him, and he pays me off, yeah he had the sucker end, then I made my flush to boot. So I take $350 off the game, by folding cards, and pushing around one of my buddies who I met at the Casino. Only dump $20 on a video slot, and manage to overcome my demons by staying away from the roulette table. OK, been to Caesars 4X and the results are great. UP $1300 to this point, but only playing during "tourist time" (FRIDAY/SATURDAY). I have such a better feel and comfort level in a live game, then on the internet. Because playing live, I am a FOLDING machine. I love the fold. I pat my own back for folding. OK, I LOVE THE FOLD. Oh, by the way, folded top pair 4 x and two pair1X last night. I am so easy to push around it is ridiculous. But, I do play the nuts, which I believe is a good EV play, so it works. OK, by the time I leave the table there is about $6000 at the table. I have got like $600 in front of me and there are 5 people that can stack me--to hell with that, I earned and leave. Roll in at 4 AM, let my wife know that the Disney trip is just about paid off because the US is at war. By the way, I thanked the dude for doing the dangerous shit that I want to have no part of. Dad had his GAME ON last night--9% of the time.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
July 20th
July 20th
OK, sorry for the short break, but being out of the office really cuts back on my allowable time to write. And, I have also been on a horrendous run over the last few days, and wanted to take full advantage of wallowing in my self pity. OK, I am done with that and ready to take responsibility for my actions. Number 1: Two pair is the DEVIL. It should be folded almost immediately in almost every circumstance. If two pair did not exist, I might be supernova by now, but since it does I guess I will continue to get beat to death (in a slow and painful manner) at the 25 NL tables. I am really having trouble with the whole internet poker thing. I am a winning NL (1/2) and limit (3/6, 4/8, 5/10) casino player but feel incredibly uncomfortable for stretches at the computer. Let me start from the beginning. I started playing onling about 18 months ago, by depositing $50 in party poker. I built that up slowly to around $200 by playing almost exclusively single table sngs. Oh yeah, I blew about $500 (this is money I also won playing poker so the real total should have been aournd $700) on black jack, so I move to poker stars, because party poker cannot remove black jack from my options, and I lack self control on a level similar to a crack head that has just received a "crazy check". I should also credit "convict" aka tgtt for telling me to come to Stars. I now firmly believe that one site is not any better than they other, regarding the ridiculus RNG beats that are dealt. So I am now at stars for 6 months, really focusing on developing my cash game, playing in the 180 person SNGS. Start with $100 in the account, push it up to almost $400, am regularly playing NL $50, then realize I am not very good (it was a bad run/confidence was shattered) and move back down to NL $25 and presently have the same $100 I started with.
OK, I will now share focus points that have to be addressed to re-emerge as the dominant force that I am at the tables. 1) Position does not mean you can out play everyone everytime, regardless of the cards. Especially players at 25 NL; 2) Be more disciplined--credit some players for being as good or better than I am; 3) Stick two pair up my ass immediately and go ahead and transfer my stack to the other player in the hand; 4) Trouble hands should be laid down to a rasie, especially when out of position (in most situations); 5) Cute hands generally cost money, and should only be played against the right opponents, and with the right position; 6) Aggression is good, but don' friggin try to get a station to lay down. OK, there are several more for me, but I am getting a little depressed about the length of my list (do not read anyting into the word list), why does size have to be so important in life!!!!
In order to affect the above described changes in my game, I will do the following. 1) Scout my games better; 2) Continue to get my chips in with the best of it, and accept random chance for the mother f$$$er that it is; 3) Fold two pair with a quickness, 4) let go of cute hands, and totally throw out the thought of a favorite hand, 5) Accept that pushing hard is appropriate only situationally, sometimes a softer gentler Frodaddy can enhance winning by minimizing losing!!!
OK, now to more important issues. The deck project is coming right along, and Tunica is in the forseeable future. Boy do I love December. Tunica,MS and Christmas--does it really get any better than that. Well, I just hope that this year I don't get the same thing as last year from Santa. Christmas list year for last year: 1) Pair of Socks 2) Piece of Ass; well that Santa he is a funny SOB. I got both, but they were both two sizes to big!!! Frodaddy, Get Your Game On, GO PLAY
OK, sorry for the short break, but being out of the office really cuts back on my allowable time to write. And, I have also been on a horrendous run over the last few days, and wanted to take full advantage of wallowing in my self pity. OK, I am done with that and ready to take responsibility for my actions. Number 1: Two pair is the DEVIL. It should be folded almost immediately in almost every circumstance. If two pair did not exist, I might be supernova by now, but since it does I guess I will continue to get beat to death (in a slow and painful manner) at the 25 NL tables. I am really having trouble with the whole internet poker thing. I am a winning NL (1/2) and limit (3/6, 4/8, 5/10) casino player but feel incredibly uncomfortable for stretches at the computer. Let me start from the beginning. I started playing onling about 18 months ago, by depositing $50 in party poker. I built that up slowly to around $200 by playing almost exclusively single table sngs. Oh yeah, I blew about $500 (this is money I also won playing poker so the real total should have been aournd $700) on black jack, so I move to poker stars, because party poker cannot remove black jack from my options, and I lack self control on a level similar to a crack head that has just received a "crazy check". I should also credit "convict" aka tgtt for telling me to come to Stars. I now firmly believe that one site is not any better than they other, regarding the ridiculus RNG beats that are dealt. So I am now at stars for 6 months, really focusing on developing my cash game, playing in the 180 person SNGS. Start with $100 in the account, push it up to almost $400, am regularly playing NL $50, then realize I am not very good (it was a bad run/confidence was shattered) and move back down to NL $25 and presently have the same $100 I started with.
OK, I will now share focus points that have to be addressed to re-emerge as the dominant force that I am at the tables. 1) Position does not mean you can out play everyone everytime, regardless of the cards. Especially players at 25 NL; 2) Be more disciplined--credit some players for being as good or better than I am; 3) Stick two pair up my ass immediately and go ahead and transfer my stack to the other player in the hand; 4) Trouble hands should be laid down to a rasie, especially when out of position (in most situations); 5) Cute hands generally cost money, and should only be played against the right opponents, and with the right position; 6) Aggression is good, but don' friggin try to get a station to lay down. OK, there are several more for me, but I am getting a little depressed about the length of my list (do not read anyting into the word list), why does size have to be so important in life!!!!
In order to affect the above described changes in my game, I will do the following. 1) Scout my games better; 2) Continue to get my chips in with the best of it, and accept random chance for the mother f$$$er that it is; 3) Fold two pair with a quickness, 4) let go of cute hands, and totally throw out the thought of a favorite hand, 5) Accept that pushing hard is appropriate only situationally, sometimes a softer gentler Frodaddy can enhance winning by minimizing losing!!!
OK, now to more important issues. The deck project is coming right along, and Tunica is in the forseeable future. Boy do I love December. Tunica,MS and Christmas--does it really get any better than that. Well, I just hope that this year I don't get the same thing as last year from Santa. Christmas list year for last year: 1) Pair of Socks 2) Piece of Ass; well that Santa he is a funny SOB. I got both, but they were both two sizes to big!!! Frodaddy, Get Your Game On, GO PLAY
Monday, July 24, 2006
July 20th
July 20th
OK, I have finally gotten back to work so I have time to do some research and found that there really is a true blogger community. I have viewed the following individuals blogs: Miami Don, Carmen (Probably in the wrong Industry)SinCity, IAK, Waffles, slb, mookie, katitude, and a few others. I am neither smart enough from a composition perspectivew, nor am I a developed enough card player to play any major role in the community, although I guess the world does need ditch diggers. Really the only thing I do offer is offensive dialogue (usually of a sexually inappropriate nature), personal diatribes, and the random cogent thought. No poker yesterday, decided to throw the wife into DT's for fun. Actually, just finally finishing up on a deck and pool project from the Tornado in November, and yes, I am a bit of a procrastinator regarding the more manual labor. And, I finally get why Waffles makes so many comments about Carmen and Victoria secret; you're right, DON, it was the TOP.
OK, I have finally gotten back to work so I have time to do some research and found that there really is a true blogger community. I have viewed the following individuals blogs: Miami Don, Carmen (Probably in the wrong Industry)SinCity, IAK, Waffles, slb, mookie, katitude, and a few others. I am neither smart enough from a composition perspectivew, nor am I a developed enough card player to play any major role in the community, although I guess the world does need ditch diggers. Really the only thing I do offer is offensive dialogue (usually of a sexually inappropriate nature), personal diatribes, and the random cogent thought. No poker yesterday, decided to throw the wife into DT's for fun. Actually, just finally finishing up on a deck and pool project from the Tornado in November, and yes, I am a bit of a procrastinator regarding the more manual labor. And, I finally get why Waffles makes so many comments about Carmen and Victoria secret; you're right, DON, it was the TOP.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
OK, after my relative newby status in the blogosphere, my game has evolved. Well not really, but the results have been positive. Not sure if it was Slb's chip dumping to me or SirF's inspirational comments about Slb. Well anyway, I enjoyed the games as well as the gamesmanship. Will be ready to hook it up tomorrow. Yeah, you the Game is still ON.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
The AFTERMATH from July 20th
July 20th
What fun it was orbiting through the blogosphere, admittedly a place that I am neither prepared for, or welcomed by all (slb159). Analysis of my findings: I am a puppeteer, as manipulating slb to get into print was about the easiest task I have completed outside of smoking. Matter of fact, I am front page with photograph, very nice indeed. I am not sure how to reference how all my new friends have affected my poker play, but my mouthing skills are definitely coming back. Make no mistakes, I am the celebrity, and made so by no other than I am taking my toys home and telling momma (slb159). Also, I like how slb159 feels the need to reference himself to Walmart about calling me "frodo" (which I happen to love and currently am having shirts made) , and it "sticking" (this is where slb159 is shaking hands with sheriff). Wow, one shouldn't show the need for such validation, a sign of weakness indeed. GAME ON.
What fun it was orbiting through the blogosphere, admittedly a place that I am neither prepared for, or welcomed by all (slb159). Analysis of my findings: I am a puppeteer, as manipulating slb to get into print was about the easiest task I have completed outside of smoking. Matter of fact, I am front page with photograph, very nice indeed. I am not sure how to reference how all my new friends have affected my poker play, but my mouthing skills are definitely coming back. Make no mistakes, I am the celebrity, and made so by no other than I am taking my toys home and telling momma (slb159). Also, I like how slb159 feels the need to reference himself to Walmart about calling me "frodo" (which I happen to love and currently am having shirts made) , and it "sticking" (this is where slb159 is shaking hands with sheriff). Wow, one shouldn't show the need for such validation, a sign of weakness indeed. GAME ON.
Friday, July 21, 2006
July 20th Wow
Never have I played at such an entertaining, frustrating, offensive, and authentic table in my entire life. I had been playing for awhile building my meager $15 buy in to more than $80. All the players seemed to know one another and many other observers chatting and waiting in line. A few females no doubt as their play and chat was obvious. The party was on, and the poker was juicy, as payoff after payoff came my way. Playing tight locks was the prescription, and did it cure my ailments. After playing a few untraditional hands and locking up big wins, I was forced to show a 7/3 suited for a decent sized pot, and then the roast was on. Walmart (Waffles) Mookie (Pookie), Miami Don (Donald), and Slb159 (Slob) had been very chatty and appropriately made mention of my play and plans to disinherit my stack. I was table captain and getting much respect most of the night. The chat turned a bit abrasive after I returned fire, and matching zinger for zinger I was in the midst of some true mouthing aficionados. I enjoyed the banter but was a bit frustrated at times by their lack of understanding about the poker prowlis I had been displaying, although maybe I was the one that was had by engaging in the less than adult discussion. Even when the maniac convict got to the table and generously kept the merry men of four above flush in chips, I was able to stay away from dumping my big stack. OH, and one more tidbit about slb159; as a parting shot after all the fanfare and mouthing had calmed down, his parting shot was to state that he was emailing poker stars support and turning me in to get my chat revoked. Well, I have not dealt with someone inciting responses and then trying to be heavy handed by wielding the power of chat revocation, but let's just say a few notes have been made. I look forward to mixing it up with the boys again soon. GAME ON.
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