Monday, July 24, 2006

July 20th

July 20th
OK, I have finally gotten back to work so I have time to do some research and found that there really is a true blogger community. I have viewed the following individuals blogs: Miami Don, Carmen (Probably in the wrong Industry)SinCity, IAK, Waffles, slb, mookie, katitude, and a few others. I am neither smart enough from a composition perspectivew, nor am I a developed enough card player to play any major role in the community, although I guess the world does need ditch diggers. Really the only thing I do offer is offensive dialogue (usually of a sexually inappropriate nature), personal diatribes, and the random cogent thought. No poker yesterday, decided to throw the wife into DT's for fun. Actually, just finally finishing up on a deck and pool project from the Tornado in November, and yes, I am a bit of a procrastinator regarding the more manual labor. And, I finally get why Waffles makes so many comments about Carmen and Victoria secret; you're right, DON, it was the TOP.


  1. If you're interested in the blogger tourneys, just scroll down and look for the daily tournaments on Kat's site that are run throughout the week (They are on the left hand side). Passwords are even provided. No one is excluded as I've entered (and even won) these tornaments before I was even blogging.
    See you there.
    Best to watch one or two though, since the play is a lot different than what you see at the everyday cash game on Stars. Watch out for smokkee ( and hoyazo (, they'll bust you in a sec. Hoy runs tonight's tourney and is double the buy-in for what the other ones are. I bubbled in one, but have had better success in the WWdN's.

  2. Oh, and if you're interested in getting some more readers, there's a program that lets people see when you have linked them up. They will generally leave a comment as a "thank you" for doing so.
    So if you're gonna mention someone's blog in one of your posts, go to their site and highlight their url in the address line. Copy it, then highlight their name (in your blog post) and click on the little green thingy in the toolbar of your new post. Paste their site in there and then they will be linked. It will get you more hits.
    Take care
