Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I am still here

OK, apologies for the length delay between posts. I have been on quite a roller coaster and got tired of writing the same things. Poor play, bad beats, good session, blah blah blah. OK, all the things I committed to doing in my game, well I haven't done any of them for any extended period of time. I get bored way too easily on line. The lack of pesonal interaction is stifling, and every second I am on the computer almost feels as time lost. Kids, wife, chores etc. My best results are smaller SNG's, time frame is right, and the low levels I lurk have some fairly poor players. I have made a conscious effort not to donk off chips, but I do sometimes, almost for the hell of it, wow I am internally weak. I am so much a better live game player, as long as I don't over think. Got some 5/10 limit hold'em in at Aztar on Sunday, and had a good time. Lost 87 bucks, but that was probably the rake. First actual losing live session in a long time.

I am now beginning shut down/bankroll growth mode for my Tunica trip in December. Which is no small feat considering that Disney is only 9 days away. But, the up side is that I was able to pay for disney off my entertainment gambling/poker playing over the last year. $3000-not shabby. One of the other main hurdles is that I usually get an infusion of cash around Christmas, and our trip is usually just after Christmas. OK, whatever your thinking, tough shit, yeah I still get some cash as a Christmas present, and I don't feel in any way that minimizes my manhood.

I see alot of folks (bloggers) talking about variance and such during their bad runs, but isn't the biggest issue really the bad decisions that come as a result of getting a crappy run. Tilting off chips, pushing weak hands, playing weak hands, etc. The mental/emotional aspect of the game is definitely huge.

And, to my Tunica boys, just around the corner, and I can't wait to hook my boy Super Mundus up with the goods, that were so well earned. Also wishing the following: Convict does not touch his secret Tunica roll, Nate accepts the disillusionment of the WHEEL and forever vows to never play it again, Mundo doesn't play q4 and get pissed when someone catches a card, Andy get his schedule worked out, Lupe' and Dan stay away from the slots the first night, and well I don't know. Until next time, have a good one, and I will try to have a better one!

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