Saturday, July 22, 2006

The AFTERMATH from July 20th

July 20th
What fun it was orbiting through the blogosphere, admittedly a place that I am neither prepared for, or welcomed by all (slb159). Analysis of my findings: I am a puppeteer, as manipulating slb to get into print was about the easiest task I have completed outside of smoking. Matter of fact, I am front page with photograph, very nice indeed. I am not sure how to reference how all my new friends have affected my poker play, but my mouthing skills are definitely coming back. Make no mistakes, I am the celebrity, and made so by no other than I am taking my toys home and telling momma (slb159). Also, I like how slb159 feels the need to reference himself to Walmart about calling me "frodo" (which I happen to love and currently am having shirts made) , and it "sticking" (this is where slb159 is shaking hands with sheriff). Wow, one shouldn't show the need for such validation, a sign of weakness indeed. GAME ON.


  1. You have successfully survived intitiation (hazing)...I got you a handfull of hits and you should be happy with that. I had to go through the long process of initiation myself, but good writing skills and a good blog have both, hands down. Check my site for my response to your comment (I didn't delete it). See you at the tables. We'll have some more's just the way we roll...don't sweat it. Kinda keep off the woman-derogatory remarks (as they're are an integral part of the community) and you'll do fine. We're welcoming you into the inner circle...that's a big step. Best of luck man.

    slb (slob)

    Take care

  2. One of my favorite things to do is be "on" the women, lol. I never intended anything derogatory about women, and my comments about their chat and play was more of a distinction not criticism, as sometimes it is hard to differentiate. Thanks for comment, and hazing, without that phase of relationship building I just could not have become invested!!!

  3. Dude...slb is not kidding about him getting hazed when he started. Check my site, about three weeks ago. He had to endure being called a taint-hound (a word I created for the occasion). That was clearly the straw that broke his back and dragged him into blogging, if only to defend himself.

    So yeah, the hazing is just part of it.


  4. Ick is just jealous 'cause of the fact I stacked him in a cash game when he ran big slick into my A's. Lol. He's still venting.

  5. 2 posts and you already have a tagline (Game On).


    I think you should change the name of the blog to Game On.

    My two cents...
