Tuesday, September 12, 2006

It Continues

Ok, I sit down for some internet poker yesterday evening. I am playing 25 NL with a decent group. I push to almost being up a buy in and do the following. I limp in first position with KK, hoping for a raise, because I really don't like a standard raise from first position with the possibility of several callers. I get the raise from someone who had just posted (first hand) in mp. I reraise approx 3X and they instantly go all in for a full buy in. I call without much hesitation and of course he show AA. OK, I accept. Then I lose my actual buy in when I again try to outplay someone who has top pair and thinks it is gold, and presto, I drop a buy in. Almost simultaneously I am playing a 25 NL shorthanded (both on river stars of course) and have q4 sooted in the small blind, I complete in an unraised pot and see a flop of qq8. I bet get a smooth call from bb and everyone else folds. The turn, yep my money card, the 4, I have filled up, and now I desperately want the bb to have a q. Well they did, but it was q8 and they had flopped a boat. OK, bye bye buy in. I then am just generally frustrated and fire up party poker. I make about 8 bucks quickly and fire up a SNG, but yours truly get in a limit SNG, which I hate, and get Aces and Kings crunched as is my normal plight. But do I let all of that stop me NOPE. I immediately take a hit of the crack pipe (figuratively speaking) and open up the black jack table--a very old friend who made me leave party poker over 18 months ago. Yep dump another 12 bucks and accept defeat for what it is. Yes, this is how I ROLL.

1 comment:

  1. That blackjack session was just a warmup for Alberto in Tunica. BANG IT!
