Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Daddy Effect has taken root

July 20th
Yes, my loyal readership it is true. I have spawned my very first blogger. This is not a trivial happening, as I believe you will find this blog to be much better written, factually accurate, and inherently purposeful. And if you are a "Trucker Clock" fan, well, it may be a euphoric experience. Here is the link:http://mundo-folds-well.blogspot.com/ If I knew what I was doing then I would actually link it on my page.


  1. Just copy the URL, then highlight his name and click the likttle green icon in the "new post" tool bar. Paste his url and that's that.
    Nice 60$ you had at the table there. Bastard.

  2. OK, I don't have any idea how to do that. I have no "new post" tool bar. Unless you are talking about the hyper link. I get that, but I want to put people links in the sidebar but I am too dumb.
