Google rocks so hard. I had no idea how much information was available about Irish Dwarves.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I can't Help Myself
Google rocks so hard. I had no idea how much information was available about Irish Dwarves.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Here's To You Little Guy
Welll I could go on and on, so let's just get to my tribute. Here's to the little people, and the inventor of the step stool!
Monday, November 05, 2007
REally, VEGAS!!!!!!!
Here is my theory. Early January means free rooms a lot of places. Tough Man gets his vacation bonus. Mundo gets to look forward to something for the next 14 months. I get to work it out with the wifey poo and I have the Christmas built in bankroll builder. Bird man specifically uttered January 09, and it gives us so much time to recruit other trip participants.
So, what are the thoughts here? Is this copacetic? I would like to point out that I have offered this as a suggestion for comment, and have not just thrown out a date for you to like or lump, as has been the process by others in the past. In this Frotocracy there will be input by all.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
TUNICA IS ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, why is it that I am pumped? Well, first of all, there is no other reason needed then returning to the 'Slammer' but there is an added bonus on this trip. The WPT and WSOP circuit events will be happening in Tunica when we head down there. The main event for the WPTstarts on 1-21 and the main event for the WSOP starts on 1-19. The WPT event is hosted by the GoldStrike, and the WSOP is hosted over at the Grand. I don't know why I want to hang with the pros, but I just think that I do. I do have visions of some of the pros hitting the dice table and watching them win and lose ridiculous amounts of money. My line-up would be Phil Ivey, Sammy Farha, David Benyamine, Freddy Deeb, Gus Hansen, Mike Matusow, and Mickey Appleman. Hey, its my line-up go %$#& yourself.
So it looks like just 5 of us for Tunica, although you always have the possibles that probably won't go. Here is my list of possibles: Andy Schroeder, Byrd Howard, Chad Taylor, Lee Chesnut, and I have heard no rumors about Dan the Man Grimbstaff. You know I haven't really thought about it until now, but Dan is not a very big guy and I am just wondering if we could pit Dan the Man against Tommy the Tough Man in a small cage match. Now I know it would take some real engineering to reduce the scale of the cage (ring) but I think it could be done. Just a thought. I will have the van ready to go--and I am sure Tough Man will appreciate not having to ride in the back both ways on the trip. And, what time should we leave for Tunica--I recommend 10 AM on the 18th. I know this cuts in on some sleeping time for a few of the kids but hey, sacrifices can be made.
Oh well, that is it for now, just pumped and ready. According to my calculations we have exactly 94 days until Tunica--wow its longer than I thought. And, do you realize that we will only be going to Tunica one time in 2007!!!!! But, in order to soften that blow--we will be back in Tunica just 4 monts after our January 08 trip. SWEETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Big Pot Poker and the impending Variance

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Postive ROI & Profit--The End is Near

Monday, October 08, 2007
Perma "Tilt" & Apologies

may possibly the worst casino on the planet. And, when I say worst I am not being specific. Customer service, gambling enjoyment, physical environment, etc.
I recently persuaded my poker playing friends to head down to the commode that is Aztar, and boy am I embarrassed. You know the place just really sux, and the fact that it is only a few miles from the house is disgusting. I think at this point, I can't really ever go back there to gamble. Now, I have left myself an opening here for the following acceptable reasons to go back to Casino "Ass"tar: date night so the wife can play some slots, and to only play poker if for some reason I don't have the time to drive to Frenchy or Caesars. I also commit to never persuading, coercing, or blackmailing anyone to go to Aztar when there is another perfectly good Casino operating within 100 miles. OK, I have done it, there ya go. And, I am sorry to everyone (Mike & Tough Man) who had to experience that disgusting attempt at a gambling experience.
You may be asking, is Frodaddy mad because he had a shitty dice session, well yeah, but that really isn't even the crux of the real issues. This incredibly poorly run, tight ass boat is actually on its way to extinction. I believe that Casino Aztar is possibly going to be the only Riverboat that may actually shut down. Yep, you heard it here first, this place is truly disgusting. And, not only is it not nice, but the management and treatment of the recreational gambler is just horrendous. Asking for a comp is comparable to standing in front of a firing squad. I mean they have brainwashed people to not even ask. If Owensboro could just legalize gambling and put in a decent boat, Aztar would sink immediately. The poker room is a joke, because they actually have plenty of players, but the idiots won't run a game that every poker player wants to play. And, I haven't even told ya about the deli pizza--don't get the sausage unless you enjoy super spicy food. I mean, it took 3 milks to get it down, and yes I did just say milk, because the Deli soda machine was broken, imagine that (dump).
The poker room refuses to use mostly white chips in the 3/6 game--which is stupid as hell. No 1/2 NL which is about the dumbest shit I have ever heard, and the room needs a partition separating it from the slot machines. I mean there are plenty of people wanting to play and so many long lists. Why are the management staff not more prepared to have dealers in the poker room. Not uncommon for 10-15 person waits, and seats sitting open for 30-45 minutes. And, generally, the dealers are not fun. I mean a few are bad, but most are atleast decent from a mechanical perspective, but they are not fun at all. They should all be sent to Sam's Town in Tunica and retrained properly. I mean this is just a total joke. This boat really is doing everything it possibly can to kill business.
OK, let's talk craps for a second. The friggin dice tables at Aztar are not 'regulation' in my opinion. That's right, and I stand by it, the dice tables are short and that truly changes the cube experience. I actually hate Aztar for making me not like dice Saturday night. I am now over it and like dice again.
And, on a personal note, I believe that this dumb F%$*ing rule of asking to see another player's cards when your not in the hand has got to be stricken from the books. Ok, let me lay it out for ya. This semi-old dude who takes to long to make decisions at a 3/6 table and thinks he is much better than he really is slow rolls right after he sits down, then I am kind of on a tear, beating him to death at poker, and finally it happens! He asks to see my hand when not involved in the hand. And, he said it more than one time, as if demanding, and I so badly did not want to show my hand to this prick of a person. I ask the usual question, "so you thought I was cheating?" "Nope, it is my right" so I actually am volcanic at this point. Let me remind you that this is exactly what ruined my last Tunica trip. I mean, for whatever reason, this specific issue gets so far under my skin that I want to destroy something or someone. I actually may need therapy. So, long story short I go off a little on bald stupid prick guy and he leaves about 10 minutes later. I think in the future that I am calling the floor, and making the floor ask the person if he wants to see on the grounds of collusion, and then when the guy says no I can really go off. Somehow this rule must be changed before I commit homicide in a poker room.
I woke up very angry about the Aztar experience on Sunday before heading to Holiday World, and to be honest I am still alittle upset, but it is fading. I am taking off a minimum of one month from any casino (except maybe the Caesars free roll) gambling, and maybe longer. I just really have been left with a bad taste in my mouth from this past Saturday. I will be focusing on the house and yard, and hopefully I can get back to grinding on the internet a little more. Remember, Disney, 2008 will be here before you know it.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Blogger Freeroll

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!
This Online Poker Tournament is a No Limit Texas Holdem event exclusive to Bloggers.
Registration code: 7970369
Monday, October 01, 2007
Fro "Daddy" Warbucks Straight Pimp'in

Yes, as you see to the left that is me, Fro "Daddy" Warbucks holding Michael "Annie" Mundy's hands. And, why does this not make any sense at all to the uninformed reader, well here's why! I was up at the French Lick poker room weekend before last, and was enjoying some 3-6 limit donkery with Nate and Mundo, while the Tough Man was over grinding at the "big game". So we play some 3-6 and the game breaks, then go to squeeze in some dice as we wait. Then head back for more 3-6 when another game gets started. So, in the midst of poker and dice, apparently the SuperMundus forgot to top off the ole tank with green backs. And, to his horror, he finds out that all the ATM lines are down and he has no access to cash flow. And, considering that he is taking it on the chin at the 3-6 table, well I think you can kind of figure it out from there. That's right, Mundo's generous pal is ready with c-note in hand to ensure the fun filled night continues. The sweet part of this entire story is that I really give Mike a hard time about borrowing, which is all in fun, because we know with his immaculate social manners that he is more than good for it, but the fact that he was so devastated to having dad here have to hand over money to keep him flush in white chips was an amazing experience. Well, in true Frodaddy fashion I begin talking it up with the other players at the poker table and go on about how Mike has never paid me back .........which is true even though he had only been into me for like 10 minutes. I didn't really let them know that though. Finally, one lady is so sorry for Mike that she states openly, "I just want to give him a hug". Now I realize you have to be there but this is hilariously funny all the while Nate is rolling about my stories regarding Mike "never" paying me back blah blah blah.
We finally make it to the dice table around midnight, and a time we did have. At this point, Nate owes me $100 and Mike now owes $300, which is outstanding. I mean I am pumped about this situation and can't wait to peel off another c-note any time Mike looks to be running short. But, then it happens. Yep, the dice GODS decree Mike has taken enough abuse from his pal and starts hooking the Super Mundus up with mucho chips. I mean, Mundus is spreading the board heavy upwards of $100 a shooter with his come bets (don't forget the odds), horns, and YO--2 ways. Actually I am surprised he stuck with that heavy approach being so low on fundage, but it turned out great. Mundo ends up popping the dice table for like 8 bills. So he gets out of debt to me and makes 4 hundy. He so quickly paid off this debt that I think he left like only $8 in his tray, which promptly was refilled. Nate also pays back almost instantly and alas, I have lost some of the joy I had, unless you consider that the dice table was spewing chips like a dump truck on tilt. Oh, did I mention, Super Mundus cashes out for his first PURPLE chip. That's right. I also cashed for a purple chip, but not my first, because I am player and I roll like that.
The Tough Man is enjoying the poker action and finally grinds out roughly a grand profit, but really appeared to enjoy me funding Mundus. Let me quote the Tough Man, "it was great, every time I looked over to your table you were handing him another $100". What a beautiful site it was, from this vantage point anyway. I will add that his workman like style does not allow for the above related experience at the dice table--mostly because that is how he rolls.
Oh, hit up another dice session this past weekend, but it was a short and I lost like $27 bucks. I introduced the wifey to the dice table, and it was quite an experience. Looks like golf and Poker (I meant dice) on the agenda for our foursome--and stay tuned, as I will be sure to have a pocket full of ben franks to hand over it the opportunity presents itself.
OH, I really had a bunch more to write, but this job and work thing is really killing me. Peace in the Middle East.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
In Honor of the "Tough Man" and "Super Mundus"

I think it is very cool that i found this. And, here is a picture of what the old Super Mundus might look like in the "city of villains" (and yes this is a Wisconsin reference)
OK, that is really all I have for now.
You folks have a good one!!!!!! I will try to have a better one.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
I Can't Believe this Bull Shit
believe the possibility exists
that these two pictures are of
the same person. Just a guess.

Sunday, June 24, 2007
Caesars--How I missed you!
So here is the table lay out: Weak player, Strong Player, Super Fat Guy, Strong Player, John from Nashville (horrible player but luckbox central), John from Nashville's buddy--average player but transparent, Australian dude--not great, 10-20 limit player--very tight but decent, and myself. We also had shuffling in throughout my session: Retardo player --actually scouted our table for 15 minutes and set down and burned through 600 in about an hour; Limit Lady--300 donation thank you, NEW Hold'em Dude--not good; and as I was leaving entered another Strong Player. There were a few more but nothing that is noteworthy. Hope that helps because that is the conclusion of this set up.
So I am playing rather tight, building my stack to $350, that is about $110 in an hour, not a bad hourly rate if you ask me. Then comes the confrontation with Super Fat Guy (and pimp daddy hat). SFG just gets blown off of JJ by Stong Player with air (4-7 off). SFG folds his JJ face up and then Strong Player obliges by flipping over the AIR! So, next hand yours truly gets QQ, he open raises to $25 in EP, John from Nashville calls and I smooth call. I don't like the QQ number one, and I figure if I flop a set, SFG is gonna pay me off because he is on steam and has money invested. Flop comes Q98 two clubs. SFG bets this for $25, so I don't want to mess around with the clubs even though I have just hit top set--so I pop it to $100, SFG then pushes all-in; I of course insta call hoping that I have just torn up AA or KK, but nope, he flips over the AK of clubs. Yes sir, a flush draw. Yes, for the fans at home, it is the nut flush draw, and he might have thought his two overs were good, but I hate this play at a cash table, for the simple reason that you might have less than half as many outs as you thought, and be a pretty big dog, which SFG obvisouly was. But, fate would have it that I was playing the role of "Mundo" or "Tough Man" and the turn was the 5 of clubs and no resuck for me. So, I go to rebuy--this time for $220. OK, for those keeping score at home, I got $500 in this game and I have been there for an hour--not a happy camper.
And, did I mention that the table I was at was really COLD. I mean freezing. I finally talked the floorman into moving our table to another part of the room. I didn't want to be cold and get cold decked at the same time. I ordered hot chocolate and drank 0 beers btw!
OK, I have now run my $220 rebuy up to $520, when I turn into a raise calling fold machine. I blow through $150 in no time. Then it happens, what you ask? I will tell ya then. STrong player opens for $8, SFG calls and three other callers. I find AA on the button and pop it up to $40. Why $40, well, I am not totally pissed if I win the pot right there, but I want it to look like a labored squeeze, feigning just a bit of weakness. Then Strong player takes a bit of time to fold (I would later learn he folded JJ), and SFG goes into the mini tank and then flat calls. And, I immediately see my future. SFG has KK and I am going to take a montser pot off of him--I can't wait!!!! Flop comes 224, and I honestly can't remember if SFG bet or not, but I push in $150--yes a pretty big over bet but, but there are two hearts out, and I want again to look weak by overbetting to SFG, and he takes the bait, and pushes all in (with chips that rightly should have been mine 3 hours ago). I insta call--and it happens, OMG, it really happened, SFG had KK, and hold on to your hats here folks--AA holds up and blammo, I have $820 sitting in front of me. I play a few more hands and then go eat. I come back and have about 10 mintues left in the dealer rotation and decide, to hell with it, I am gonna rack out with a $320 win, which aint bad for 6 hours.
Oh, almost forgot, the female dealer coming into our table. I tell the guys next to me that I am getting some chip racks and will be right back, and the dealer lady tells the guy to take money out of my stack for the $6 rake--and I see this happening from a distance. I finally make it back to the table and tell the dealer lady I am racking up give me my $6 back, which she does. The guy who had to get in my stack says, "I told her you were racking out but she told me to get it anyway", and my response--That's what happens when you listen to a woman! I don't think the female dealer and I are going to be friends.
Oh, and if anyone is wondering why there was no Tunica post, here is the reason: I didn't want to write about Tunica!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Tunica Casualty Confirmed
Now, in regards to "Trained Killer in Training" Lee Chesternuts (name is changed to protect his identity, and I think would be a good screen name for an adult vid actor). Apparently there is this little Meth trial happening on the 21st where the above named officer is the key witness. And, apparently he has no pull at all with the prosecutor, so if the trial lasts more than a day, then he may be out as well. I can't help but to theorize that Deputy Dog may be using a small little Meth trial to placate a wife that may not be so in favor of a Tunica trip. Well, I hate to say that, but I think all the angles have to be considered, this is no small matter (Tunica of course).
I have taken the opportunity to share some pictures on my last few posts and believe that they have been appreciated by the legions of readers that certainly must devour this blog at every chance. I saw a nice documentary on Harry Robbins (Ruben) last night and feel like maybe I should model my life after him, considering I am a writer as well. Now that dude was a partying machine and I just felt like I needed to give him a shout out.
Still in question for the Tunica trip is one Danno Grimbstaff. Well, I think the odds are against, but I can't put that final nail in the coffin. He is a poker room junky you know, and if anybody can pull of the zombie look it is Dan the Man. I have him at 4:1 against if anyone wants any action, $10 minimum.
Mrs. Estrabrook still seems to be In like Flynn according to my sources.
Now, if we end up having 7 Tunica participants we can fit in the VAN, but will have to ride 3 across on the back bench seat, that means the captain's chairs will be in high demand. I call the DRIVER spot.
What say you could be the plan when we arrive to Tunica? Well, I have seen Mundus' aka STROKER'S itinerary and feel like it sounds solid. The only problem is that once you enter SAMPSON it is kind of like the Bermuda Triangle and nobody really knows what is going to happen, and that really is kind of nice. Tough Man has a true itinerary down to how many cups of coffee, sleeping schedule, etc. Now, he should really know that there is no chance in hell that his schedule is going to remain intact, but hey I guess the kid can dream. I spoke with the poker room at SAM's PlACE today to but a pulse on the NL action and was assured there is atleast one NL game going everyday. They had one going at 11:oo AM today when I spoke with them. The lady I spoke to said they have 4-5 going on the weekends. Poker tournament at Sammy every day, looks like 6 PM on Wednesday and 11 AM on Thursday, and then the poker tournament at Gold STrik that same evening. I wonder if I will leave Sammy at all. Yeah I will, go to hit up HollyWood and maybe get over to the Grand. I just hate to leave Sam's TOWN for too long as they may put out APB on me.
Until next time; it will be Corona for me.
So, I have Bronchitis just a month ago, after receiving that wonderful gift from my daughter. I let the DOC know that I am not sure of the standard treatment protocol, but I kind of have something big coming up on the 22nd and I require a more intensive treatment, just to ensure that there is not sickness remaining in 6 days. So I get a shot, prednizone, and antibiotic. Thanks DOC for understanding the importance of Tunica.
My daughters preschool graduation was really nice last night, and she is flat out ready to take on Kindergarten, she is BIG now you know. Family and friends joined in the celebration and my girls loved spending time with "Pig Pen". They are fast friends, and when they get together nobody else much matters. Oh, did I mention the new shoes my daughter got to go with their outfits before heading off to the graduation? Yeah, they don't have any shoes! Bathroom project #2 is heading toward completion. Left to complete is installing the new sink/counter which is supposed to be in tomorrow, and then hanging the towel bar and toilet paper holder. I am impressed with the direction it is headed. And, after 72 BAGS of mulch in the yard the wife has things looking really nice. I still have made zero progress on the landscaping in the front by the mailbox. My wife assures me someone is coming by to take the plants away, but that has not happened. I really think calling the landscapers and just having them rip it out and put something back in is the best way to go on this one. I know that really goes against my personal inclination to not hire out work that I can perform, but I really just don't want to deal with landscaping.
NOW, since there have been some relatively lackluster comments or lack thereof to my last blog post, I feel motivated to do try and deliver.
Let me begin by doing something that should have been done long ago. In honor of the Tough Man:

I give Tough Man a hard time but his game is generally tight, and I will give him his due in that regard. I still don't like the Asian big pot poker side of things but you can't question his gamble when he thinks he has an edge. His RED FISH status has long been overcome, but I just really was having trouble letting him have the pleasure he deserved from a redemption post from yours truly, OK, I'm older but does that really correlate with maturity?
Here are some Sharkscope stats as well.
Username TGTT
Games Played 2081
Av. Profit $2
Av. Stake $17
Av. ROI 14%
Total Profit $3216
Sorry Tough Man, I must have erased the email with the table and your little shark fin.
OH, here is a little something as a precursor for Tunica (Of Things to COME):

Sunday, May 13, 2007
Nine Days and then THIS!

Here ya go:
Don't tell me we couldn't find a group of these little people who would love to work in a slot machine, you know they would.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Stroker--How the Legend was made

Now, since we have the pleasantries out of the way, we can get to the substance of this post. Circa 1997 in a sleepy little town in Southern Indiana, the flowers were in bloom and a hint of youthful adventure was noticeable as Mundus embarked on his journey. While Mundus was no stranger to carefree leanings of life he was rather calm and thoughtful in his interactions, and could be described as the epitome of correctness. While that could be overstating it a bit, Mundus was not one to act outside socially accepted limits--but as we would all come to understand and alter ego would emerge.
Records are not clear on the predicating events, but it appeared Mundus attended a pre-graduation celebratory function which is not uncommon for a chap in his position. Armed no doubt with some frosty cold libation and a hankering to embrace the buzz that permeated the beings of our youth as they knock on the door of adulthood, SuperMundus has arrived. Not just in the physical sense, but this night would be different and provide the onlookers with a rare glimpse of what may take place in the black box. Of course you are thinking, well, this guy is out to have some fun, no harm no foul, but.......a foul was called indeed. Now before I reveal the trophy of this story, I think we need to put back in perspective the general nature, character and outstanding citizenship that is displayed by Super Mundus, and I think we would all agree that this guy just never gets out of or crosses the line from a norms perspective. OK, here we go. And, I must at this point admit, not being present does impede my ability to accurately relay the specific events, but corroborating with enough sources has left me firmly supplanted with the journalistic feeling of invincibility.
Apparently Super Mundus gets drunked up and decides he is gonna take a little liberty in checking out the "goods" of one Stephanie Abshagen--German Exchange Student. After being dismissed the night proceeds on and the morning brings to life the legend of "STROKER". I believe this moniker was hung by a parent of one of the party goers, and he is still referred to as STROKER to this day by that individual. I have to say, I think that is just about the best nickname I have ever heard of, and I can't believe it has not stuck. I am so pumped about it, I decided to write a song. Yep, that's right, me and Billy Squire have worked on creating a lyrical coup. Please read the lyrics below, I have not yet had to time to record this, but that is in the works. Enjoy!!!!
A tribute To Mundo—AKA Stroker, and a visit from Stephanie Abshagen; your memory never fades…..
“The Stroker” - Frodaddy
Now everybody, have you heard
The courage of, a drunken urge
Stroker takes no caution, he didn’t hesitate
To grab a piece, of some German cake
He put his right hand out, and gave a firm shake
He took a shot at, his one big break
Mundo asks no questions, didn’t wait
gave no time for, Aubshoggin to deliberate
Stroke me, stroke me
I grab my wiener, it moves quite well
Stroke me, stroke me
Stroke me, stroke me
You got her number down
Say you're a winner but man you're just a sinner now
She wouldn’t put out, but it didn’t hold you back
Work your way right into her place
First you try to bed her, before saying Hi
But when you made your move, she slid on by
Stroke me, stroke me
Give me the business all night long...
Stroke me, stroke me
Stroke me, stroke me
You're so together boy...
Say you're a winner but man you're just a sinner now
Better listen now, Mundus is on the prowl
If she is an exchange student, just do the stroke (Woooh)
Don't ya take no chances, keep your eye on top
Do your finger dances, Mundo just can't stop just
Stroke me, stroke me...
Monday, April 30, 2007
Ketchup at Frenchy
Next hand Real Estate pops a flop bet of 100, which was a huge overbet. So I am starting to get the picture here, this guy is aggro! So I finally get involved with REal Estate by raising from the button with AK, not a bad hand right? He calls from the small blind and we take a flop of QJ baby, he checks I continuation bet he calls. I have no idea what he is playing at this point, and the turn goes check 2nd bullet by me and he cold calls again. What?????? I still have no idea where I am at and the river is a blank and REAL ESTATE bets out 100 and quickly, and all the bones in my body said call him down with AK, but I lacked the appropriate RSO's (round spherical objects) and go away. I get moved to another table, and don't like it because I know there is money to be made, and do you know what really pissed me off? Tough Man was gone pissing and he was next in line to get moved officially. Well, eventually Tough Man gets moved over and I here that REAL ESTATE is wild and spewing some chips. Finally REAL ESTATE makes it over to our game and proceeds to open raise UTG for $43, wtf? He gets called by Ray who was not a great player by any stretch of the imagination. Flop comes with an Ace, blah blah blah and REAL ESTATE gets all of his money in after checking and letting Ray bet the whole way--with what did REAL ESTATE have you ask? 66--that's right sport fans, he called off a $100 river bet from RAY with 66. OH, forgot, REAL ESTATE bangs the rail after seeing he lost with the all powerful 66--what a ass hat. Now I hate RAY's play here as well, but c'mon. Ray's buddy Ron, John, OK I really don't know, but he has a horse shoe stuck up his ass and takes more of REAL ESTATES money after he rebought for 300, oh he called off with like 3rd pair to send him away and again is upset he lost. REAL ESTATE leaves then shows back up 10 minutes later, and we beg the floor man to put him back at our table, but not happening. They throw him into the feeder game where he dumps another 200, and the large mouth bass is hooked for the night.
OK, here is something for Tough Man. Since I took such a couple shots at him on my last post, I will give him some props. We are sitting at our second table and a big hand comes down. 3 way pot, raised to 18 pre-flop. Flop comes with 2 spades. TGTT is on the button and the chap who was first to act who was the initial pre-flop raiser bets out 50. TGTT thinks then calls. turn card is a Q. Then Pre-flop raiser bets out $100, and TGTT goes into the tank, then says set of 9's and folds his Q10 spades face up, there was another play that as all in already. So instantly everyone on our end of the table (except me of course) is really impressed by Tough Man's play. He gets a lot of respect and even has RAY calling him Tommy, and saying ego pumping shit like, well if Tommy is in then I am out (except for the sic hand that I tell you about in the next paragraph). Well, it was well called and Tough Man does have a strong game. There I gave you a compliment. Happy now??
OK, big hand for TGTT. TGTT makes a set of 5's and Ray, hits a four outter on the river to make a bigger boat. Ray and John, Ron (I don't know) leave shortly thereafter. Oh did I tell you Ron won a hand with 94 off from late position????????? And, I paid off the sneaky A3 boat of Ray's for a smallish pot.
OK, for the bet. TGTT gets into a discussion with another player about the draft, then the question of where did Jason Taylor go to college comes up. TGTT says Univ. of Arizona and then the other guy says no, Alaska. TGTT is adamant he is right and they bet $5. Pinnacle gives TGTT his blackberry to look it up and after a rather time consuming learning period for TGTT we learn University of AKRON. TGTT is the worst prop better in history, according himself.
So we get short at our table around 1:00 AM and go eat. WEll here is where the fun starts. We are served by Cheryl, and she seems to be pleasant. TGTT orders Tuna Salad and I have a problem with that. OK, we are at a restaurant and I just don't like the ordering of a Tuna Salad sandwich. So TGTT and I verbally banter, then we ask about the open face sandwich, which Cheryl attempts to describe. Since we both look at her like she is an alien she is out of answers and struggling for descriptors to help us understand exactly what an "open face" sandwich is. I suggest to Cheryl that she go back in the kitchen and bring one out for us to look at! She looks at me as if I had just pulled my pants down, well she wasn't that happy, more of a shocked look. Then as TGTT states he definitely wants the Tuna, I point out it is "Albacore" Tuna, and he puts on the breaks immediately. So Cheryl at this point has no idea what she has gotten herself into, but finally realizes we are full of it and plays along. So, we finally order after finding out Cheryl is kind of fun. Our food is out so fast, I thought I was at McDonalds. I ask for some ketchup and Cheryl says she will return with some. WEll, Cheryl is the chatty type, and begins to go to her other tables chatting it up, all the time I am watching from a distance. TGTT is shoving TUNA in his mouth like it is his last meal, as I am frozen without ketchup to put on my burger or to eat with my fries. So, actually I get a little irritated, if you can believe that, and go up to the bar where a guy has a big fat bottle of ketchup and ask him if he will share because our waitress must have had a stroke and forgotten to bring mine. So, unlike normal, I am just happy to have the ketchup and let go of the mild irritative type burn that had started building. So Cheryl returns to check on us, and TGTT wants another Miller Lite and I order another coke, and I throw in, "Oh by the way, I don't need any ketchup, I got my own". She looks at me puzzled then remembers I asked for the ketchup. Cheryl then returns with our check and asks how to separate the bill. TGTT and I both have food comps so we hand them over, then she says there is the matter of the alcohol, not covered by comps. TGTT says WOOOOOOOO now wait a minute here, and checks the receipts. He finally pays for the beer when the following conversation took place (I still can't believe this happened). Background info. TGTT had like 4 beers in 30 minutes at dinner. OK, Cheryl tells TGTT that he reminds her of her SON, she figured TGTT for about 27 she said. Then goes on to ask if he is married, and I am thinking where in the fiddle ^%$GF# is this going. She states that her son was a raging drunk until he fell in love and a woman cured him of it, and then I say, oh TGTT WAS married. This seems to interest this lady even more. I then say that TGTT looks like a convicted felon though, and she looks at me kind of puzzled and says why do you say that, because he has been hit? And, I am flat busting at the seems. Wait, this gets better and worse depending on your perspective. Then this brain surgeon turned waitress tells TGTT she has a 21 year old daughter and TGTT says well give her my number, and this crazy woman writes it down, and writes CUTE beside his name and number. Are you kidding me???? I have already told this woman he is divorced, has 3 kids, pays a huge amount in child support and she knows he drinks like Otis on Andy Griffith. And, still this woman is getting this total stranger's number for her 21 year old daughter. I could not believe what was happening, and then I think--the TUNICA magic is coming a little early. I mean what a better primer for SAMSONITE! Nate and Mundus would have loved the dinner conversation, I have not doubt.
So now TOUGH MAN and myself have had a meal, taken a break, and are ready to head back to the tables when we I get to the poker room and see only two tables going, yeah it is like three AM there but I don't care. There were two full NL games going when we left to eat. The two games are3/6 and 10/20 limit. So finally we decide to pack it in and call it night. We did however consider black jack and craps, but I think we made a solid move by staying away from the more -EV table games.
One point, I do really now think that Tough Man might have been able to bang Cheryl on the stainless steel sink in the kitchen. I mean why not, she doesn't mine setting up her daughter on a blind date with Charles Manson.
A fun time was had, and now you know about the KETCHUP.
Go get your GAME ON, mine will be in full effect in 21 days. HOLLLLAAAAAA