Thursday, May 17, 2007


OK, doctor's appt. yesterday. Not good news. Started the sneezing, coughing a few days ago, and figured with Tunica on the horizon, that I should take no chances. I arrive at 2:00 PM and get in very promptly with the nurse, we do the temperature and weight thing, and can you believe the nurse attempts to write down my weight at 239--when the scales obviously say 229. I mean what is going on here, is this the kind of treatment we should expect from our health care providers. Is it no too far a stretch to believe that if the weight cannot be charted correctly, then other more heinous errors are being made on a regular basis? But, the nurse handles my ribbing well and we hit it off, you do realize I am a people person, right? I should add that I am using the human interaction opportunities in preparations for the "ASK" from the bartender when we get to Tunica.

So, I have Bronchitis just a month ago, after receiving that wonderful gift from my daughter. I let the DOC know that I am not sure of the standard treatment protocol, but I kind of have something big coming up on the 22nd and I require a more intensive treatment, just to ensure that there is not sickness remaining in 6 days. So I get a shot, prednizone, and antibiotic. Thanks DOC for understanding the importance of Tunica.

My daughters preschool graduation was really nice last night, and she is flat out ready to take on Kindergarten, she is BIG now you know. Family and friends joined in the celebration and my girls loved spending time with "Pig Pen". They are fast friends, and when they get together nobody else much matters. Oh, did I mention the new shoes my daughter got to go with their outfits before heading off to the graduation? Yeah, they don't have any shoes! Bathroom project #2 is heading toward completion. Left to complete is installing the new sink/counter which is supposed to be in tomorrow, and then hanging the towel bar and toilet paper holder. I am impressed with the direction it is headed. And, after 72 BAGS of mulch in the yard the wife has things looking really nice. I still have made zero progress on the landscaping in the front by the mailbox. My wife assures me someone is coming by to take the plants away, but that has not happened. I really think calling the landscapers and just having them rip it out and put something back in is the best way to go on this one. I know that really goes against my personal inclination to not hire out work that I can perform, but I really just don't want to deal with landscaping.

NOW, since there have been some relatively lackluster comments or lack thereof to my last blog post, I feel motivated to do try and deliver.

Let me begin by doing something that should have been done long ago. In honor of the Tough Man:

I give Tough Man a hard time but his game is generally tight, and I will give him his due in that regard. I still don't like the Asian big pot poker side of things but you can't question his gamble when he thinks he has an edge. His RED FISH status has long been overcome, but I just really was having trouble letting him have the pleasure he deserved from a redemption post from yours truly, OK, I'm older but does that really correlate with maturity?

Here are some Sharkscope stats as well.
Username TGTT
Games Played 2081
Av. Profit $2
Av. Stake $17
Av. ROI 14%
Total Profit $3216

Sorry Tough Man, I must have erased the email with the table and your little shark fin.

OH, here is a little something as a precursor for Tunica (Of Things to COME):

Now that is some HAIR there folks. I know that Nate has some limited medical justification for this obvious fashion faux pas, but the fact that he was able to get hooked up with some nice "tail" while sporting the Caucasian AFRO is what really takes the cake. Oh, here is the picture of his "tail"--sorry if that offends any female readers.

And, I know that Mike appreciates her performing arts abilities--nice time to walk into the kitchen, huh Stroker?
And, if this isn't enough for you than I guess you will just have to wait for like 5 days, because when I walk through the door, it will be lights camera action!


  1. Frodaddy, nice to hear that you called in the heavy artillery for treating your potential illness.

    It seems to me that the last few blog posts have really been designed to get people going, and I like it. You can feel the Tunica electricity in the air!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Just have a lot to say Mike. No doubt our upcoming excursion has the creative juices flowing, and to be honest I have a few more in me before we leave.

    Well, there is a potential down side to all of this gamesmanship, so I well expect to be in the cross hairs. But knowing that I realize that should have others on necessary alert because I always keep a few emergency rounds of ammo for those froggy folks who think that they are up for the challenge. I say bring it on, but be prepared!

  4. I hope nobody in Tunica reads your blog, that bomb and those stats are a thing of beauty and would keep any sensible person from even sitting with me. And as far as being a red fish, it was part of my growth as a player and I now know when to keep the pot small and when to go big, AKA: "asian mode". I am not gonna comment on Nate or his "tail" as I have decided to stay away from these shenanigans, while it is a vacation for most it is a business trip for me and I will stay professional but since Nate did suckout against me and take a $1000 that should have been mine I would like to say that neither you or your hair will suckout this time.

  5. Tough Man, good to see you commenting again.
