Sunday, May 13, 2007

Nine Days and then THIS!

With only 9 days remaining before the exciting adventure that is Tunica, I am feeling the pressure. Pressure? Well, let's just say that I have a few things to pull off before I can feel totally at ease. #1 The bathroom project. I have made progress and it appears my I can have it completed, but you never really know. This is important because I do not want to leave the fams with only one function bathroom. #2 The wife has been implying that a win is expected on this trip, as Disney World looms in the not so far distance (wasn't I just there like 8 months ago?). Don't get me wrong, I love Disney, but once every 2-3 years I believe is plenty. #3 I would like to have the landscaping completed in the yard, although this specific task is not paramount. #4 I am waiting on a package that really needs to be delivered before the trip--this is crucial. Just so you have some idea of what I may be waiting for here are a couple of clues,

I hope super Mundus pays close attention to the image above, Heritage NOT HATE. Let's not be narrow minded and minimize the value of Southern Heritage. While I know these images could raise concern for some, I think that Rebel Yell for example is only displaying a love for his home place, not making a political, racial or otherwise offensive statement through his public display of support for the South.

Now for Tough Man, I think he could pull this off well:

Does he give these out to his dates? Or Maybe his Mom is sporting this today, considering it is Mother's Day. Well, maybe this would be better suited for Tough Man:

I am not really sure how to top this. My apologies for not find a midget in this costume, but hey I tried. I do have this link for you however --ENJOY!

Well, the sheriff crew that is Lupe' and Lee will be with us, so in honor of them I give you this:

I love the fact that Lupe' wants his own room, and I think we should rig it for video!

OK, who else do we have, OH, Nater the Dominator;
Here ya go:

While Nate's hair is not what it used to be, I sure have'nt forgotten what it was.

Anything else maybe, Oh let's try this one on for size (no pun intended).

Don't tell me we couldn't find a group of these little people who would love to work in a slot machine, you know they would.
OK, gotta run, better have you GAME ON in 9 days, because I sure as &%#$ will!


  1. Sorry biatches, I just commented. You can't the comments from blowin up!

  2. frodaddy10 said...
    Sorry biatches, I just commented. You can't the comments from blowin up!

    Or making any sense either! Although it does fit right in with the blog.

  3. So, I see I need to come up with some better material, do you really want to push me in that direction? OK, I'm GAME.
