I did however play two rounds of gold, the first at Peninsula Golf Club. I am still a horrible golfer but I enjoy playing a really nice course every now and again, just to see how the other 3/4 live. It was very nice, cart GPS included which I think is top notch, although at $18 a six pack I didn't exactly pour them down. The second round of golf was at Lost Key and it was uber frustrating. Very tight course (doesn't fit my game real well) and more bunkers than quaker has oats. The ranger gave us instructions before teeing off being sure to mention that there were 'moccasins' on the course, so don't go hunting for balls in the wet areas. Weed was petrified and stated he didn't hear a word of the briefing after moccasin. We also went to Alligator Alley which was cool to see them feed the gators. My most enjoyable part of that trip was Weed getting as far away as possible from the snake exhibit, although he remained part of the show from outside the fence interacting more with the snake handler than the audience. Snake handler: Do you want to come in here and hold this snake? Weed: The only good snake is a dead snake!
My wife and kids have made it to the outlet mall in Foley to spend money. Does anyone know where she gets it? Because, honestly, I'm not sure at this point. The one thing I am sure of is that she never seems to slow down, so I guess she is doing OK. How can the economy really be a wreck if she is still on the loose shopping.
I intended to get this picture up sooner, so sorry for the delay. The family went to check out the Harlem GLobetrotters a few weeks ago, and my wife took some pictures. I think I may owe someone an apology, because if the Globetrotters are using it in their act, then its got to be top shelf:
OK, that's all I have for now. Enjoy the rest of spring break if you have one, and I'll try to keep dry. Oh, no Biloxi trip. I didn't intend to play golf two days, so in an attempt to not get a 'bad dad' monicher, I am going cancel that day trip. I'm really kind of sad about it because I really wanted to check out the rebuilt casinos. Oh well, probably saved money.
Who is this? This can not be Eric fucking Freeman!!! He does not run as this blog suggests and I refuse to believe any of the nonsense reported here.
ReplyDeleteHorseshoe trip Saturday morning if you are back and need a fix. Also, getting laid off for a week so ample opportunity the following week too.
Hey TGTT, I don't run that bad, which will be evidenced by my next blog post. Gotta love some nail polish. Don't worry, it'll make sense after you read it.
ReplyDeleteI have softball practice at 4 on Saturday, so doubt if I make that. I did hear something about a trip there with Nate and Mundo on the 18th though.