Thursday, May 17, 2007
Tunica Casualty Confirmed
That's right, the TOOL MAN is out. Tuley confirmed with BOLO today that his ankle injury will preclude his participation. Well, I am not sure not working for a couple weeks and ankle surgery actually raise to the necessary level of justification to remove oneself from the line-up, but who am I to question his decision. Well, I will tell you exactly who I am--the questioner of anyone who bows out on the Tunica trip is who I am. I mean its not like he is in ICU. Oh well.
Now, in regards to "Trained Killer in Training" Lee Chesternuts (name is changed to protect his identity, and I think would be a good screen name for an adult vid actor). Apparently there is this little Meth trial happening on the 21st where the above named officer is the key witness. And, apparently he has no pull at all with the prosecutor, so if the trial lasts more than a day, then he may be out as well. I can't help but to theorize that Deputy Dog may be using a small little Meth trial to placate a wife that may not be so in favor of a Tunica trip. Well, I hate to say that, but I think all the angles have to be considered, this is no small matter (Tunica of course).
I have taken the opportunity to share some pictures on my last few posts and believe that they have been appreciated by the legions of readers that certainly must devour this blog at every chance. I saw a nice documentary on Harry Robbins (Ruben) last night and feel like maybe I should model my life after him, considering I am a writer as well. Now that dude was a partying machine and I just felt like I needed to give him a shout out.
Still in question for the Tunica trip is one Danno Grimbstaff. Well, I think the odds are against, but I can't put that final nail in the coffin. He is a poker room junky you know, and if anybody can pull of the zombie look it is Dan the Man. I have him at 4:1 against if anyone wants any action, $10 minimum.
Mrs. Estrabrook still seems to be In like Flynn according to my sources.
Now, if we end up having 7 Tunica participants we can fit in the VAN, but will have to ride 3 across on the back bench seat, that means the captain's chairs will be in high demand. I call the DRIVER spot.
What say you could be the plan when we arrive to Tunica? Well, I have seen Mundus' aka STROKER'S itinerary and feel like it sounds solid. The only problem is that once you enter SAMPSON it is kind of like the Bermuda Triangle and nobody really knows what is going to happen, and that really is kind of nice. Tough Man has a true itinerary down to how many cups of coffee, sleeping schedule, etc. Now, he should really know that there is no chance in hell that his schedule is going to remain intact, but hey I guess the kid can dream. I spoke with the poker room at SAM's PlACE today to but a pulse on the NL action and was assured there is atleast one NL game going everyday. They had one going at 11:oo AM today when I spoke with them. The lady I spoke to said they have 4-5 going on the weekends. Poker tournament at Sammy every day, looks like 6 PM on Wednesday and 11 AM on Thursday, and then the poker tournament at Gold STrik that same evening. I wonder if I will leave Sammy at all. Yeah I will, go to hit up HollyWood and maybe get over to the Grand. I just hate to leave Sam's TOWN for too long as they may put out APB on me.
Until next time; it will be Corona for me.
Now, in regards to "Trained Killer in Training" Lee Chesternuts (name is changed to protect his identity, and I think would be a good screen name for an adult vid actor). Apparently there is this little Meth trial happening on the 21st where the above named officer is the key witness. And, apparently he has no pull at all with the prosecutor, so if the trial lasts more than a day, then he may be out as well. I can't help but to theorize that Deputy Dog may be using a small little Meth trial to placate a wife that may not be so in favor of a Tunica trip. Well, I hate to say that, but I think all the angles have to be considered, this is no small matter (Tunica of course).
I have taken the opportunity to share some pictures on my last few posts and believe that they have been appreciated by the legions of readers that certainly must devour this blog at every chance. I saw a nice documentary on Harry Robbins (Ruben) last night and feel like maybe I should model my life after him, considering I am a writer as well. Now that dude was a partying machine and I just felt like I needed to give him a shout out.
Still in question for the Tunica trip is one Danno Grimbstaff. Well, I think the odds are against, but I can't put that final nail in the coffin. He is a poker room junky you know, and if anybody can pull of the zombie look it is Dan the Man. I have him at 4:1 against if anyone wants any action, $10 minimum.
Mrs. Estrabrook still seems to be In like Flynn according to my sources.
Now, if we end up having 7 Tunica participants we can fit in the VAN, but will have to ride 3 across on the back bench seat, that means the captain's chairs will be in high demand. I call the DRIVER spot.
What say you could be the plan when we arrive to Tunica? Well, I have seen Mundus' aka STROKER'S itinerary and feel like it sounds solid. The only problem is that once you enter SAMPSON it is kind of like the Bermuda Triangle and nobody really knows what is going to happen, and that really is kind of nice. Tough Man has a true itinerary down to how many cups of coffee, sleeping schedule, etc. Now, he should really know that there is no chance in hell that his schedule is going to remain intact, but hey I guess the kid can dream. I spoke with the poker room at SAM's PlACE today to but a pulse on the NL action and was assured there is atleast one NL game going everyday. They had one going at 11:oo AM today when I spoke with them. The lady I spoke to said they have 4-5 going on the weekends. Poker tournament at Sammy every day, looks like 6 PM on Wednesday and 11 AM on Thursday, and then the poker tournament at Gold STrik that same evening. I wonder if I will leave Sammy at all. Yeah I will, go to hit up HollyWood and maybe get over to the Grand. I just hate to leave Sam's TOWN for too long as they may put out APB on me.
Until next time; it will be Corona for me.
OK, doctor's appt. yesterday. Not good news. Started the sneezing, coughing a few days ago, and figured with Tunica on the horizon, that I should take no chances. I arrive at 2:00 PM and get in very promptly with the nurse, we do the temperature and weight thing, and can you believe the nurse attempts to write down my weight at 239--when the scales obviously say 229. I mean what is going on here, is this the kind of treatment we should expect from our health care providers. Is it no too far a stretch to believe that if the weight cannot be charted correctly, then other more heinous errors are being made on a regular basis? But, the nurse handles my ribbing well and we hit it off, you do realize I am a people person, right? I should add that I am using the human interaction opportunities in preparations for the "ASK" from the bartender when we get to Tunica.
So, I have Bronchitis just a month ago, after receiving that wonderful gift from my daughter. I let the DOC know that I am not sure of the standard treatment protocol, but I kind of have something big coming up on the 22nd and I require a more intensive treatment, just to ensure that there is not sickness remaining in 6 days. So I get a shot, prednizone, and antibiotic. Thanks DOC for understanding the importance of Tunica.
My daughters preschool graduation was really nice last night, and she is flat out ready to take on Kindergarten, she is BIG now you know. Family and friends joined in the celebration and my girls loved spending time with "Pig Pen". They are fast friends, and when they get together nobody else much matters. Oh, did I mention the new shoes my daughter got to go with their outfits before heading off to the graduation? Yeah, they don't have any shoes! Bathroom project #2 is heading toward completion. Left to complete is installing the new sink/counter which is supposed to be in tomorrow, and then hanging the towel bar and toilet paper holder. I am impressed with the direction it is headed. And, after 72 BAGS of mulch in the yard the wife has things looking really nice. I still have made zero progress on the landscaping in the front by the mailbox. My wife assures me someone is coming by to take the plants away, but that has not happened. I really think calling the landscapers and just having them rip it out and put something back in is the best way to go on this one. I know that really goes against my personal inclination to not hire out work that I can perform, but I really just don't want to deal with landscaping.
NOW, since there have been some relatively lackluster comments or lack thereof to my last blog post, I feel motivated to do try and deliver.
Let me begin by doing something that should have been done long ago. In honor of the Tough Man:

So, I have Bronchitis just a month ago, after receiving that wonderful gift from my daughter. I let the DOC know that I am not sure of the standard treatment protocol, but I kind of have something big coming up on the 22nd and I require a more intensive treatment, just to ensure that there is not sickness remaining in 6 days. So I get a shot, prednizone, and antibiotic. Thanks DOC for understanding the importance of Tunica.
My daughters preschool graduation was really nice last night, and she is flat out ready to take on Kindergarten, she is BIG now you know. Family and friends joined in the celebration and my girls loved spending time with "Pig Pen". They are fast friends, and when they get together nobody else much matters. Oh, did I mention the new shoes my daughter got to go with their outfits before heading off to the graduation? Yeah, they don't have any shoes! Bathroom project #2 is heading toward completion. Left to complete is installing the new sink/counter which is supposed to be in tomorrow, and then hanging the towel bar and toilet paper holder. I am impressed with the direction it is headed. And, after 72 BAGS of mulch in the yard the wife has things looking really nice. I still have made zero progress on the landscaping in the front by the mailbox. My wife assures me someone is coming by to take the plants away, but that has not happened. I really think calling the landscapers and just having them rip it out and put something back in is the best way to go on this one. I know that really goes against my personal inclination to not hire out work that I can perform, but I really just don't want to deal with landscaping.
NOW, since there have been some relatively lackluster comments or lack thereof to my last blog post, I feel motivated to do try and deliver.
Let me begin by doing something that should have been done long ago. In honor of the Tough Man:

I give Tough Man a hard time but his game is generally tight, and I will give him his due in that regard. I still don't like the Asian big pot poker side of things but you can't question his gamble when he thinks he has an edge. His RED FISH status has long been overcome, but I just really was having trouble letting him have the pleasure he deserved from a redemption post from yours truly, OK, I'm older but does that really correlate with maturity?
Here are some Sharkscope stats as well.
Username TGTT
Games Played 2081
Av. Profit $2
Av. Stake $17
Av. ROI 14%
Total Profit $3216
Sorry Tough Man, I must have erased the email with the table and your little shark fin.
OH, here is a little something as a precursor for Tunica (Of Things to COME):
Now that is some HAIR there folks. I know that Nate has some limited medical justification for this obvious fashion faux pas, but the fact that he was able to get hooked up with some nice "tail" while sporting the Caucasian AFRO is what really takes the cake. Oh, here is the picture of his "tail"--sorry if that offends any female readers.

And, if this isn't enough for you than I guess you will just have to wait for like 5 days, because when I walk through the door, it will be lights camera action!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Nine Days and then THIS!

With only 9 days remaining before the exciting adventure that is Tunica, I am feeling the pressure. Pressure? Well, let's just say that I have a few things to pull off before I can feel totally at ease. #1 The bathroom project. I have made progress and it appears my I can have it completed, but you never really know. This is important because I do not want to leave the fams with only one function bathroom. #2 The wife has been implying that a win is expected on this trip, as Disney World looms in the not so far distance (wasn't I just there like 8 months ago?). Don't get me wrong, I love Disney, but once every 2-3 years I believe is plenty. #3 I would like to have the landscaping completed in the yard, although this specific task is not paramount. #4 I am waiting on a package that really needs to be delivered before the trip--this is crucial. Just so you have some idea of what I may be waiting for here are a couple of clues, 

I hope super Mundus pays close attention to the image above, Heritage NOT HATE. Let's not be narrow minded and minimize the value of Southern Heritage. While I know these images could raise concern for some, I think that Rebel Yell for example is only displaying a love for his home place, not making a political, racial or otherwise offensive statement through his public display of support for the South.
Now for Tough Man, I think he could pull this off well:

Well, the sheriff crew that is Lupe' and Lee will be with us, so in honor of them I give you this:
OK, who else do we have, OH, Nater the Dominator;
Here ya go:
Here ya go:
Anything else maybe, Oh let's try this one on for size (no pun intended).
Don't tell me we couldn't find a group of these little people who would love to work in a slot machine, you know they would.
OK, gotta run, better have you GAME ON in 9 days, because I sure as &%#$ will!
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Stroker--How the Legend was made

Now, since we have the pleasantries out of the way, we can get to the substance of this post. Circa 1997 in a sleepy little town in Southern Indiana, the flowers were in bloom and a hint of youthful adventure was noticeable as Mundus embarked on his journey. While Mundus was no stranger to carefree leanings of life he was rather calm and thoughtful in his interactions, and could be described as the epitome of correctness. While that could be overstating it a bit, Mundus was not one to act outside socially accepted limits--but as we would all come to understand and alter ego would emerge.
Records are not clear on the predicating events, but it appeared Mundus attended a pre-graduation celebratory function which is not uncommon for a chap in his position. Armed no doubt with some frosty cold libation and a hankering to embrace the buzz that permeated the beings of our youth as they knock on the door of adulthood, SuperMundus has arrived. Not just in the physical sense, but this night would be different and provide the onlookers with a rare glimpse of what may take place in the black box. Of course you are thinking, well, this guy is out to have some fun, no harm no foul, but.......a foul was called indeed. Now before I reveal the trophy of this story, I think we need to put back in perspective the general nature, character and outstanding citizenship that is displayed by Super Mundus, and I think we would all agree that this guy just never gets out of or crosses the line from a norms perspective. OK, here we go. And, I must at this point admit, not being present does impede my ability to accurately relay the specific events, but corroborating with enough sources has left me firmly supplanted with the journalistic feeling of invincibility.
Apparently Super Mundus gets drunked up and decides he is gonna take a little liberty in checking out the "goods" of one Stephanie Abshagen--German Exchange Student. After being dismissed the night proceeds on and the morning brings to life the legend of "STROKER". I believe this moniker was hung by a parent of one of the party goers, and he is still referred to as STROKER to this day by that individual. I have to say, I think that is just about the best nickname I have ever heard of, and I can't believe it has not stuck. I am so pumped about it, I decided to write a song. Yep, that's right, me and Billy Squire have worked on creating a lyrical coup. Please read the lyrics below, I have not yet had to time to record this, but that is in the works. Enjoy!!!!
A tribute To Mundo—AKA Stroker, and a visit from Stephanie Abshagen; your memory never fades…..
“The Stroker” - Frodaddy
Now everybody, have you heard
The courage of, a drunken urge
Stroker takes no caution, he didn’t hesitate
To grab a piece, of some German cake
He put his right hand out, and gave a firm shake
He took a shot at, his one big break
Mundo asks no questions, didn’t wait
gave no time for, Aubshoggin to deliberate
Stroke me, stroke me
I grab my wiener, it moves quite well
Stroke me, stroke me
Stroke me, stroke me
You got her number down
Say you're a winner but man you're just a sinner now
She wouldn’t put out, but it didn’t hold you back
Work your way right into her place
First you try to bed her, before saying Hi
But when you made your move, she slid on by
Stroke me, stroke me
Give me the business all night long...
Stroke me, stroke me
Stroke me, stroke me
You're so together boy...
Say you're a winner but man you're just a sinner now
Better listen now, Mundus is on the prowl
If she is an exchange student, just do the stroke (Woooh)
Don't ya take no chances, keep your eye on top
Do your finger dances, Mundo just can't stop just
Stroke me, stroke me...
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