Thursday, December 04, 2008

New nickname

It appears that my pal the Tough Man has a new nickname for me. It goes (insert my first name here) then say bad word that starts with an F and ends in -ing (insert my last name). Of course I am protecting myself by not throwing my name out for the world to see. Could you imagine the legions of readers that would look me up?

OK, so I take $500 out of the Moose tournament, which is actually held at the HHCC, win around $150 the night before playing bingo SNGs, and pocket another $100 the Saturday before in a short handed cash game. So, how much did the wife get, well only $200. That's right, I was able to keep most of my winnings, which is a nice bankroll builder, so I am pretty much set for Tunica in January. I'll also be able to turn over most of my Christmas money to the wifey to bolster the savings--you do know the economy is not so good right? Also, by now you should know we are rolling to SAMMY's place Jan. 29th through Feb. 1st, right? I called today and got booked for a poker room rate, in case we need the extra room. Mundus was nice enough to tell me the online B-connected system for Sam's Town is operational finally.

Good luck to all and to all a good night! See you in a bout 9 days, headed to Disney tomorrow.