Monday, January 19, 2009

Excitement, the Log Ride, and Tensions mount

Seriously, its like 3 days and I am pumped about that. The downside is that I get incredibly unproductive right before our Tunica trip. So, I think I will keep my office days this week kind of short, since I won't really be getting anything done anyway. Considering today was a holiday, I think I should get in about 6 hours over the next two days.

A shout out to the Tough Man as his Steelers make it back to the Super Bowl. I like the Cardinals, getting 8 points of course. We'll see how much the Tough Man really believes in his Steelers.

There is no way I can get by without mentioning Natrocity's engagement. I suspect the appropriate response is congrats but since I am married and know the road he is headed down, its just hard to say. I am happy that he is happy, but that institution has claimed more victims than cancer. I also believe his quick engagement was for no other reason than to escape the intervention Mundo had planned for him during the drive down to Tunica. Also since Natrocity is an avid blog reader, I am sure that he read in my last post I was going to attempt to talk him out of the engagement and marriage. But, since Natrocity has pulled the plug on all my fun, I must roast him just a bit here. I had a text exchange with him that I believe says everything. Here is the transcipt of that text conversation:

Nate: I'm engaged
Eric: You still allowed to go to Tunica?
Nate: Yes sir i put that money away before I bought the ring
Eric: you obviously don't understand how it works now
Nate: Haha watcha mean
Eric: Its no longer up to you
Nate: Sure is she said I can go anytime
Nate: I will never miss Tunica

OK, so you can imagine how much I was rollin after the text. Poor fella just really doesn't know what he is walking into, but the same can be said for all of us who have went down the aisle. Best of luck!

I also have a cute little graph of a certain player's pokerstars stats:

I am no expert here, but I can relate it to a life experience. It reminds me of the log ride at Holiday World. I would like to point out that the last 75 games or so look to be break even poker, so maybe he has it turned around. However, I do remember going down the log ride more than once.

There is also a tremendous amount of excitement regarding the new Tunica tradition of eating a good steak dinner at Twain's

The best part of this is that the generous Tough Man, I think, is going to hook me up with a steak. That Tough Man is just a stand up fella, and I appreciate being able to have helped him out on numerous occasions in the past by putting him up in free rooms, and calling Shirley to get him comps. Now, I know what you might be thinking. A nice steak dinner (that isn't costing him a dime) is the least he could do, but that is plenty for me.

I hear that Super Mundus broke down and went to the doctor. Looks like I might have been right about an immediate medical intervention over a week ago when this little problem started. I am not here to point out my rightness, but just happy that he is gonna get cured and enjoy Tunica to the fullest. I have also heard it mentioned that Mike might be a good candidate for providing the entertainment at the bachelorette or bachelor party. The 'dancin machine' is the moniker given by my wife, we'll have to see if it sticks.

Well, that's about it for now. The bus leaves by 10:30 on Thursday mornin.

Lates, and don't forget to get your game on!

Monday, January 05, 2009


Didn't mean to get anyone wet with these pictures, but I though they worked nicely.

Alright, so you are all aware I tend to get a little antsy just before a Tunica trip. This year is no different, as I am beginning to feel the flow. Since I have done a very poor job of recounting Tunica trips as well as blogging in general, I believe I should engage (kind of like James T. Kirk) a little time travel. Yes, you could have used flux capacitor here as well if you liked, but I am down with Captain Kirk because you know he was banging the black chick on the bridge. Yes Mike, I know her name is Uhura and I realize she was a Lieutenant.

Star Date: Oh who gives a shit, honestly I don't remember anything about the last trip. Or maybe I repressed it because I was disgusted about the speeding ticket on the way down, then the ass raping I took in the poker room at the hands of no other than Mrs. Estabrook. Having said all that, I still had a great time and I look forward to these trips almost like Christmas. There is just something therapeutic about SamsTown Hotel and Casino. And, for the record I am not a Trekkie and generally find real Trekkies to be rather weird.

Goals: Run good at SamsTown poker room; Play some Pai Gow; Play various table games; Roll some dice; Play a few games of KENO; Get drunk on Saturday night and stay up late and make someone else drive home--here's looking at you Nate!; convince Nate not to get engaged or married EVER; and help Mike understand how our country was built on the foundation of Christianity, and specifically how that disallows gay marriage.

I hope to see the following people in Tunica: Edwin, Sweet Meat, Sweet Shirley from Direct Mail, Dump Truck, Rebel Yell and Tiny Yell, Chevy, Bob, Bill, Sugar Pops, Big Country (but only for a little bit), angry guy who hated Adam's pink shirt, King, Elaine, Tanya, Brian, Dave (hey a guy can hope), Ray & George & Mary(dice table)(George called me driveshaft once); The Freckled Pup; Alberto; a midget; and a guy smoking in the poker room.

I hope not to see the following people in Tunica: anyone giving me a ticket, Vanilla Ice, wheelchair Bob, Emmer, Rick the dick, and the Georgia Peach. Kind of cool how there a lot fewer not sees than sees. Must mean I like people.

Now to the crown jewel. I have come across a little something that has me scratching my head. I just can't put my finger on it or make the connection but there is just something familiar to me about what you are about to see. Let me know if you have any ideas.

Keep going South....

Keep going....

Almost there

BAMMMMMMMM Play this fucking video immediately, then play it again and again and again. Then as you are saying, no fucking way, watch that motherfucker again.